1: Cojímar

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Camila needed someone.

She was now walking around in the streets of Cojímar. She was on her way to the bay of her hometown. She saw fishingman struggling with their nets as they just came back of the boat. The fish they caught were so fresh that in this moment Camila could see the fish jumping up and down on the small, wooden pier that was in a state to collasp any minute.

In the background she saw the Torréon de Cojímar. She sighed deeply and sat down on the white sand. Camila knew that if she wanted to get away from Cuba, to have a good life, she needed someone. Someone that takes care of her. Someone that could bring her to La Yuma.

"Karla! compra dos peces!" Camila could hear her mother yell from far behind her. She looked over her shoulder, her younger sister was in her mother's arms, sleeping. Camila bit her lip, she knew that her dream of moving to the United States of America was unrealistic. She could never leave her family behind. Especially not her younger sister Sofi, Camila loves her little sister and would do anything for her.

She nodded and stood up again, following the scent of fresh, but warm fish (due to the wheater).

"Dos peces, por favore." The fisherman nodded softly and pointed to a bucket full of fish.

"Tu eliges." He said as he continued to wash the other fish. Camila scrunched up her nose. Really? She really needed to take it herself? Camila quickly took a plasticbag of the ground and went to the bucket. She made sure to choose two big fishes, cause they needed to share it for four people. Camila caught the two biggest fished in the bucket and went back to the man to pay.

"105 CUP." He mumbled, after he recieved the money he continued working. Camila sighed deeply, was this really going to be her life? Everyday getting fish by the bay so their family could eat? Don't get her wrong, Camila loves the beach. The way her hair tangles together because of the combination of wind, the white warm sand and the perfect water. Camila smiled as she looked over the ocean. This was her hometown. She represents Cojímar, she represents Cuba. Why the hell would she like to leave? To be herself? To have a freedom of speech? To make an actual career in América?

Camila walked over to the table. "Goodevening, how can I help you?" With Camila's will to go to the United States of America, she learned English from a very young age. That's also why she travels to Havana every sunday evening and goes back to Cojímar every saturday morning to work at a popular restaurant/bar. They instantly hired her because of the fact that she speaks English fluently.

Camila noticed that it was a girl sitting by the table. She was still focused on the menu. Camila cleared her throat, "Hello how can I help you?" She asked again on a friendly tone. The girl finally looked up.

"Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't hear you." The girl said and ran her hand through her hair.

"It's okay, so how can I help you? Drink?"

Camila looked at the girl with a smile. She was really beautiful. Camila quickly shook of the thought of the beautiful girl in front of her.

"Can you help me with the menu? I really don't know what I should get."

Camila smiled, "Of course, I suggest the Arroz con pollo. It is a bit spicy but it is really good. It is basically rice with chicken."

The girl nodded, "Sure I'll take that and to drink I'll take a Cuba Libre."

Camila smiled polite at the girl, "Okay thank you." The Cuban girl said and walked to the kitchen.

"Uno Arroz con pollo por favore!"

"Sí Camila 15 minutos!"

Camila walked up to the bar and made the beverage the girl ordered. She poured the liqour in it and smelled the alcohol. "Hmm muy rico." Camila mumbled and quickly brought the cocktail to her customer.

"Cuba Libre."

Camila looked up to the girl as she placed the small glass in front of her and looked right in her eyes. Green orbs with some signs of blue. Camila swore that the moment the girl's eyes met with hers, they changed color.

"Gracias." The girl mumbled. Camila went to serve another customer and sighed deeply as she stood by the bar. The girl must be from América. Camila could obviously tell cause she only speaks English. Camila stared at the girl, with the black raven hair and green eyes.

"Camila! Trabajo!"

Camila rolled her eyes as she heard the terrible, annoying voice of her boss.

"Sí!" Camila answered quick and served other guest their drinks.

As the bell of the kitchen went, Camila was the first waitress to enter. She really wanted to serve the girl again. And there was the Arroz con pollo on a large plate. Camila smiled and grabbed the plate she knew exactly were to bring it to. She heard her co-workers in the kitchen yell the table number but Camila ignored them. Her brown eyes already focused on the girl.

She presented the plate to her and smiled, "Arroz con pollo, por lo hermoso."

The girl looked at her puzzled. "That's the name of the sauce." Camila said as she blushed softy on her cheeks.

The girl nodded, "Thank you..." Camila knew that the girl tried to get her name.

"Camila." She whispered but loud enough for the girl to hear.

"Hi, Camila. I'm Lauren." The girl, Lauren said with a big smile. And Camila's mind wander of to the La Yuma.

AN: new story! If you notice any faults in translations please comment or message me so I can edit them!

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