Chapter Six

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Unedited. I don't have a beta. 


Once that fiasco was over and dealt with, the Guard ran out of the clearing leaving me with my mates and my parents. I looked at Aro and after brushing my hand against his, he understood what I wanted. He nodded and gestured for his brothers to follow him before they all followed the Guard. I stood there, staring at the Cullens from across the clearing with my parents at my side. I thought I would be angry when I saw them for the last time or maybe even sad. Instead, all I felt was empty. These people hadn't shown me much kindness over the years. I had fond memories of my grandparents and even some with Uncle Em and Aunt Rose but apparently not enough to regret this. The Cullens made their way over to us while their witnesses left the clearing. 

"So this is goodbye, isn't it," Esme looked sad. I felt bad to a certain extent. She was about to lose three members of her family. I couldn't imagine how badly this must make her feel. Esme had always made me feel loved. She taught me a lot about compassion and I learned a lot while sitting at the kitchen island as I watched her cook. I used to love watching her cook and when I was tall enough to reach the stove comfortably, she began teaching me how to cook. I was going to miss her. 

"I can talk to the Kings and see if we could arrange something so that you guys could visit one day," I tried to reassure her that she was going to see us again. She wasn't losing any family.  

"I'll look forward to seeing you again," Carlisle smiled and I grinned. I used to spend Friday afternoons in his study with him. He taught me how to read. He introduced me to Greek and Norse Mythology. He taught me self control. I owe my love of books to the afternoons spent in that study with him. I was going to miss him too. 

I hugged them both and then they stepped aside just in time for Emmett to sweep me into one of his bear hugs. I wheezed and tapped out. Uncle Em used to take me hunting. We used to arm wrestle and he would let me win until one day I beat him for real. We would play video games and while he would crush me in Call of Duty, I would sweep the  floor with him in Mario Kart and Super Mario Bros. He taught me inner and outer strength. I loved him dearly.

Aunt Rose was up next and she hugged me tight. I could feel her shoulders shaking as she sobbed but no tears came out. Aunt Rose taught me that beauty was in the eye of the beholder. She taught me generosity. Mom, Aunt Rose, and I would take weekend shopping trips and sometimes we would manage to convince Grandma Esme to come along with us. We invited Bella one time but she vehemently denied the invitation, making sure we all knew that she wanted to be nowhere near me, let alone go shopping with me.  We all later agreed that we all had a lot more fun without her than we would have had with her. It then became a tradition.  

I smiled at the members of my family that mattered to me and let them know to call me anytime they wanted to see us or just simply wanted to talk. I told Aunt Rose and Grandma Esme that our tradition wasn't over and we had to meet up to go shopping as soon as possible. 

"Preferably sooner. Your wardrobe isn't fit for a Queen," Mom huffed and we laughed. 

Aunt Rose and Uncle Emmett shared a look before turning back to me, "Read my mind, " Aunt Rose whispered so only I could hear.

'Would you be opposed to Emmett and I moving to be closer to you?'  

"Of course not," I assured her. Rose turned to Emmett and nodded then hugged Grandma and Grandpa as Emmett followed suit. 

"What's this about," Carlisle asked them. 

"I think it's time Rose and I do some traveling of our own. We've been wanting to move for awhile now and if Seraphina and the Kings don't mind we'd like to spend some time with her. Rose has been wanting to move to France and after we travel for a bit, it seems like a good place to settle down for a few years." Emmett told them. Bella scoffed.

"So you're leaving your family because of this girl?" She rolled her eyes.

"Seraphina is family and you'd do well to hold your tongue because she is also your Queen now." Aunt Rose growled at her. "We are leaving because we want to. Emmett and I need some time to ourselves. This isn't the first time we've separated and it likely won't be the last. Living in a house with other vampires that can hear every sound you make gets old quick. We just need some privacy."

"So what are you going to join the Volturi now too?" Bella sneered and I could feel that familiar rage building.

"It wasn't a part of our plans but who knows, maybe one day," Emmett answered through clenched teeth. Carlisle and Esme smiled at Rose and Emmett, telling them that it was okay and if they ever got tired and wanted to come back, to simply give them a call. 

I smiled at my Aunt and Uncle, relieved to have more family around me. As everyone finished their goodbyes, I looked around at the only family I ever knew and I knew that everything was going to be okay. 

I said my goodbyes to Edward and Nessie without bothering to glance at Bella. If she wanted to glare daggers at me then I wasn't going to give her the time of day. I only said goodbye to Edward and Nessie to be polite and since Bella couldn't be bothered to be polite to me then I didn't owe her anything. 

After another round of hugs and the last few goodbye, we turned around and ran to catch up with the Guard. Hopefully the Kings wouldn't the two extra people. We caught up to them in another clearing. My mates looked relieved to see me before turning to Aunt Rose and Uncle Emmett with questions in their eyes. Aunt Rose gave Aro her hand and he nodded, satisfied with what he saw.

"Rosalie and Emmett will be joining us for a few weeks to spend time with our mate and help her acclimate to her new environment," Aro informed everyone. He then turned to me, "Once we are back home we will discuss the members of your personal guard. Jasper and Alice being obvious choices of course. After all, who would be better to protect you than your parents," I beamed at him while Mom and Dad nodded. 

"How are we going to get to Volterra?"

"I'm glad you asked, my dear," Aro's smile was all teeth and it sent a shiver down my spine. Whether or not the shiver was a negative response was the question. 


 A/N: I'm really sorry for the long wait. I honestly just haven't felt motivated until now and as soon as I felt that motivation I typed this bad boy up and ta da!

Regardless though, thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my story despite the infrequent updates. It means a lot. 

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