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Bucky sat on the wooden outcrop and watched as the blond followed his movements. Clearing his throat, Bucky flashed a confident grin. He was actually a social person, and, while he would have wanted more time to mentally prepare himself, the time was presenting itself right then.

The boy had a sketchbook in his lap, and his eyebrows were raised as he watched the brunet wobble as he stood up. The outcrop was very unstable. Bucky held his arms out for extra balance and nodded, friendly.

"Hey, there." He beamed at him. "I'm Bucky, your new neighbor."

"Steve Rogers," the blond said slowly. Bucky mulled the name over in his head. An old-fashioned name, but it suited him. "Sorry, are you sure that's safe?"

"Nope," Bucky said dismissively, unbothered. He had done more dangerous things before. Although, after nearly teetering over the edge, Bucky asked, "Hey, can I come over?"

Steve blinked at him. "Uh, sure."

Bucky nodded and thought on this. How was he going to do this without falling twenty-something feet to the ground? His tongue between his teeth, he jumped off of the outcrop like a diving board. It wobbled and creaked, making him anxious.

Bucky managed to land on the railing, his arms flailing for balance, alarm bells sounding in his head, screaming, "Moron! Moron!"

And then the blond -- Steve -- took his hand and pulled him to safety, his sketchbook tossed to the side as he'd gotten to his feet. Bucky stumbled against his chest and instantly backed off, flushing red. Even for him, this was bold.

"Thanks." He breathed out a sigh of relief. Steve managed a small smile and ducked his head in a quick nod.

Bucky took the time to smooth out his rumpled sweater and fix his windblown hair, feeling his eyes on him. "Nice place you got here," he finally said when Steve kept silent. He glanced back to his siblings outside, running around the yard.

"Yeah, yeah," Steve agreed quietly, looking embarrassed. He didn't have the best people skills. Then again, he'd never had a boy leap onto his balcony after the first meeting.

"You don't talk much, huh?" Bucky mused. He cringed - that was a great conversation starter. He was sure he was making such a great impression.

Steve bit his lip and shrugged, looked to the horizon, at his hands, anywhere but Bucky. Bucky - it certainly was an interesting name. Steve was screaming internally. He was making a horrible first impression.

"What do you do for fun?" Bucky tried again for a conversation, and this time Steve forced himself to meet his eyes. Bucky was caught by how blue they were, how bright.

"Um, not much, really," Steve finally said, finally sounding more relaxed. Bucky nodded for him to continue, smiling. That made Steve smile as well. "I draw."

Bucky's eyes lit up. "Really? Can I see?"

Steve couldn't help but blush. He smiled at him briefly and shuffled through his papers, searching for the drawing he wanted. Finally, he handed him a rough outline sketch of a soldier, his face in shadow.

Bucky grinned. "That's awesome," he gushed. Steve rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thanks." He restacked his papers and looked at the brunet, taking him in. He seemed so bright, so alive. So unlike what Steve was used to.

"I don't really have any hobbies myself," Bucky was saying when Steve zoned back in. "I mean, I can cook and stuff. Baking is the most fun."

Steve was about to comment when another voice cut through. "James Buchanan Barnes, you get down from there right now!"

Bucky leaned over the balcony and shot Emma a look. He gave a long-suffering sigh and offered Steve a timid smile.

"Sorry." He rolled his eyes and climbed back onto the railing. Steve watched as he carefully leapt back over, hugging the side of the house. He stuck his head out the window, then, giving Steve a grin and a mock salute before disappearing.

Steve smiled to himself as he brought his drawing equipment inside. He surely hadn't made an impression on Bucky, but the brunet sure did on him. He was quirky, social, and bright. Steve could get used to that.


"Why do you always insist on embarrassing me," Bucky hissed as he rounded on Emma, his face hot. She scowled at him and took a slow breath.

"You were on a stranger's balcony."

Bucky stayed silent. Emma sighed and deflated, her anger gone. "I don't want you getting hurt, okay? You could've fallen. He could've turned out to be insane or something."

"He's not," Bucky huffed a little at her. "He's okay."

Emma leaned against the wall and nodded begrudgingly. "Fine. I only want the best for you, okay?"

Bucky forced himself to smile. "It's okay. I'm fine," he promised. Emma didn't say any more so Bucky retreated to the kitchen to help Christopher and Charlie with dinner.

He thought instead of Steve, the quiet blond from next door. He liked him so far - he wouldn't be able to tell for sure until he knew him better.

He was determined to do just that.

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