Today my great grandma died. I use to spend a lot of time with her when I was younger but since I've gotten older I haven't seen her in about 2-3 yrs. so I'm not THAT affected by her death but it's still sad. She was one of those people who don't let people close.
Death is unavoidable
People face it every day
Of every form
Weather it's someone you know
A family member
A friend
Or even a pet
Everyone knows someone who's died
Everyone you know will die
One day
You may not like it but
You can't stop it
It just happens
Even if it's the worst of times
It can creep up on you
Slowly ....
It can rush at you
Like a rocket ship ....
Ether way we all face it in the end.
Some people will cower and hide
When it's my time to go,
I will look it in the eye
And accept it.
What will you do??
My life...
DiversosSome of you will read this but this is a place where I can write my feelings and freely express my self. If you do read this then some of it will be poems, things I need to get off my chest, or things I need advice on. Please comment if you can rela...