A seemingly normal day for the Howl's. Mrs. Lenore Howl is out in the garden taking care of her extraordinary yet highly dangerous, the venomous Tentacula. Although, never before had this creature given her any problem. Mr. William Howl is out in the yard doing research on his latest find, a Nundu. A fierce creature who would kill a person at the slightest glance. Though, to Mr. Howl, this creature acted more like a large kitten. These two were not just experimenting on small whims. They were considered prodigies in their time, skilled in the ways of herbologoy and animal care taking. Their seven year old daughter, Erin, was in the yard playing with her Kneazle, a small cat-like creature that kept her company.
"Lyle!" She laughed squirming side to side as the creature tickled her. "Lyle quit it!" Little Erin squealed. Suddenly it stopped, the Kneazle stood in place not moving a muscle, staring at a spot in the forest surrounding their house. "What's the matter Lyle?" She asked curiously. Lyle stood up, his back hair sticking straight up, hissing and clawing in the direction of his alarm. Erin rose from her spot and peered into the distance. She gasped, there was something out there. There was a dark force the pulled upon her small being and scared her to her very core. Just then a bell-like voice interrupted the fearsome moment.
"Erin! Erin dear, could you come here for a moment?"
She recognized this to be her mothers beautiful voice. "Coming Mummy!" She called. Getting up from the clover covered grove she gave one last look into the forest. For she could have sworn she had seen a grim like figure in a dark cloak. She shook her head, pushing the thought aside, and ran towards the house. Erin came to a good sized green house, very cozy and very warm. She smiled at the familiar door and swung it open. "Yes mum?" A breath taking beautiful woman turned to her. Her lush dark hair framing her delicate face. "Oh Erin darling, what on earth have you gotten all over yourself?" She laughed. Erin grinned wide and rubbed her filthy hands on her already dirty jumper. "Well, I was making some mud pies for you earlier, but Lyle wouldn't stop tickling me." Her mother just smiled and kneeled down in front of her. Pulling out a hankerchief she started to rub the dirt and grime off of Erin. "Mummy! That tickles!" The girl squealed as her mother suddenly scooped her up and raspberried her soft little belly. Lenore smiled and kissed her nose sweetly. "My little duckling, what am I going to do with you?" She said swinging her about the room. "Love me forever!" The little girl shouted. "And Love you always." The mother finished. They grinned brightly at one another. The sound of a grandfather clock's chime was heard. Lenore gasped. "My my my, 6:30 already." She set Erin down. "Almost time for supper. What shall we have?" The girl pushed her contrasting white hair out of her face. "Eggs and Sausages!" Erin replied excitedly. "Breakfast for Supper, my you must be raving mad!" Lenore said putting her hands on her hips and serious look on her face. "That's just what I like about you." She said breaking the serious look with a look of complete and utter love. "Could you go and tell your father that it's time to come in? I'll be done in just a jiffy." She asked. "Yes mummy!" With that she ran out of the green house and into the forest. "Daddy! Oh Daddy!" She sang out into the forest. No answer. She shrugged and skipped on to her fathers whereabouts, but all of her joy turned into sheer horror at the sight that was beheld before her. Erin's father, the prodigy of the Caretaking of Magical Creatures Society, was being held by the neck in the once oh so friendly Nunda's teeth. This creature shook him about, like a rag doll, his lifeless limbs flailing in the air. His eyes were wide with fear and glazed over, his face was pale and lifeless. The smell of his blood burned the brims of her little nose. The creature turned to her, his eyes were not normal, they were pitch black. The Nundu dropped her father's corpse on the ground at the sight of a fresh hunt. It gave off a deep destorted growl. He was about to pounce when a flash of grey caught her eyes. "Lyle?" She breathed. Her Kneazle had just come out of nowhere and was now taking the moment to blind this once gentle creature. This angered the Nundu, he grabbed Lyle and threw him aside against and unkind boulder. Lyle became still, his un-moving eyes were glued to her, as if they were telling her to run, as they began to fog up. While the Nundu was distracted by his newly found blindness, she turned and ran to the green house. Once there she burst through the doors. "Mummy! Mummy Help!! It's Daddy! He's-He-." She cried, but she stopped short and let out a shriek. For there, right in front of her was her mother being strangled by the giant Venomous Tentacula. The poison had already taken affect, for her mother started to turn a sickly, grim blue. Her mother looked to her, her face distorted with pain, as she reached out a dying hand. The girl followed the direction her mother was motioning to. And then she spotted it, the acid potion her mother had been working on. Quickly she climbed up and grabbed the vial. She could already smell the death like qualities of this potion. Running towards the Tentacula she threw it onto the heart of the monster. The stem began to produce smoke, it shrieked and withered before her eyes. The creature swung it's limbs angrily and spreading little droplets of the acid everywhere. Erin ducked under her arm, the acid stinging her flesh, making a marks that will last forever. Then all was silent. The giant Venomous Tentacula was dead and her mother was in the midst of dying. Crawling over to her she cradled her head in her arms. "M-Mummy?" She cried. Her mother only gave her a weak smile and put a hand to Erin's face. "My darling, what am I going to do with you?" She whispered, her soft lovely voiced had turned into a raspy cry. "L-Love me forever." Erin replied, tears buring the brim of her eyes. "And love you always." Her mother finished for the last time. Her mothers hand dropped as her head fell to the side lifelessly. "Mummy?" The little girl said shaking her mother's lifeless corpse. "Mummy?! Mummy please, please wake up!" Tears flooded her vision. MUMMY!!!!" She screamed. Then all became silent, all except for the woesome wales of Erin Howl...
Kneazle (XXX)- A small catlike creature with spotted fur, outsize ears and a tail like a lion. It is much more intelligent than an average cat. It has a great ability to detect bad people. They can interbreed with cats and can have up to 8 kittens at a time. Crookshanks is part kneazle.
Nundu (XXXXX)- The most dangerous creature in the world. It is a very large leopard that moves quietly and whose breath causes diseases and has killed entire villages at once. The least number of people that have taken control of it were 100 wizards working together.
The Venomous Tentacula is a green, spiky, toothsome plant with mobile vines that try to grab living prey. Venomous Tentacula expels venom from its shoots, and its spikes are deadly. Its bite is highly poisonous and can prove fatal.