Name: Allen Longfellow
Age: 16
Hair: Caramel brown
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Tan Skin
Height: 5'8
Weight: 148 lb
Well, hello there. The name's Allen Longfellow. I'm a Ravenclaw. As of now, I am in my third year. I'm as smart as they come, and that proves well with the ladies. My life at Hogwarts can be compared to being basically perfect, and I've made sure that it stays that way. I live with my psychotic Aunt Julie, who doesn't know the difference between reality and what went on in that mixed up head of hers. The only person I could turn to was my older brother, Garret. Every time I was down, he was there to rescue me. He had promised me long before that as soon as he was able, he would take me away from there. That is until he disappeared. He was an aurora in the ministry, so it was expected that he would be gone for long periods of time, but 4 years is a long time to be away. He still alive, though. I know it! He made me a promise after all.