Beanie Love (Pt. 1) > Cute

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Jughead's POV

I walked the hallways, carrying my bag with only one strap. I was looking for my best friend, well girl best friend. Her name is Y/n M/n L/n (your name, middle name, last name) and she was fascinating.

She always took my breath away with her silky smooth h/c hair and wondrous e/c eyes. You could easily tell I have a crush on her can't you? Well you are wrong. Because I love her.

I saw her sitting in the student lounge, looking as beautiful as she possibly can. She then looks up, hearing somebody come in. She looks at me and her eyes shine. She gets up, knowing we were going to Pops, having it be the first time we met. We walk there and I can't help but stare at her the enter time. She kinda had to stop me from many passing cars.

She loves me. She just probably doesn't know it yet. She has my heart but she doesn't know it. I know this will sound cheesy and it totally isn't me but, she is my light in the darkness. She is the single white rose in a bouquet of red roses. She is better than others can ever be.

There was a wave in front of my face as I typed on my computer. I see Y/n looking over to me, showing me her wonderful smile.

"Jug, are you alright? You seemed entranced as if you were being controlled" she says and her eyes roll around her head, as if she was loopy.

"It's nothing N/n" I say and she looks to my beanie, although I already know what was gonna happen.

"Do you remember when you said you look weird without your beanie?" She asks, tilting her head and showing me an innocent smile.

"Yeah, what about it?" I say, going along with it.

"Can I see you without the beanie?" She questions and starts to do her puppy dog eyes. With that look, I couldn't resist.

"Alright, but you have to wear it, I don't want it getting lost" I say and take off my beanie, handing it to her. She giggles softly and puts it on before sitting down beside me. I close my laptop, making sure she didn't see what I had just put down. She pouts playfully and I laugh slightly.

To tell you the truth, I couldn't stop staring, she looked so cute in my beanie. I blush a slight bit and look away, hearing the bell to the entrance ring.

Who came through the door? We shall find out on part 2. Sorry for not updating for awhile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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