Chapter 8 - Last Rites

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The Mysterious Figure stands in front of the Doctor hissing its way at the large cloudy creature like a Snake or an Alligator, the Doctor seems to be a little surprise that whoever it is or whatever it seems to be very protective. His main focus is to find out where he is at the moment. As time passed, the Figure felt something pressed on its side, it twists its head to the Doctor which it sees him trying to swerve past him, the Figure trying to keep the Doctor back.
"Don't worry." He said softly. "I will be fine."

As the Doctor said that, the Figure let him pass through. The Doctor kept walking towards this large cloud-formed creature with the same face as the one on the Silver Mask but with a green tinge to it as the rest is blue.
"The true God of Chaos and God of Anarchy, battling out with the Elemental who wants to claim your place." The Doctor spoke. "What kind of being like you be in a dreamscape that what I'm guessing this place is?"

There was nothing but silence to the point the Doctor breaks it once again, he twists his body to the opposite direction from the God of Chaos and points his index finger to the Figure. "And I know that you are a Samaritan, so my question is: Are you the one who caused my TARDIS to fall out of the Time Vortex?"

Again there has not been any words coming to any mouths as the Doctor is the only one been speaking ever since he found himself in this Metaphysical World, for a moment the Figure began lifting up its arm, raising its featureless and sticking out its figure as well point passed the Time Lord to the God of Chaos which still have moved since materialized from the clouds. The Doctor turns his head to the God of Chaos then back to the Figure.
"Stoooop. I know that I started the finger pointing but this is just the absolute definition of pointing Fingers." The Doctor said. "So let's be true to ourselves here."

The Figure still have is arm held and his finger out to the God of Chaos, the Doctor let out a sigh.
"I know all of this is not real, it's just like solid projection from the mind, your mind." The Doctor said the Figure has finally lowered its arm to its side, the Doctor rubs his eyes with his fingers. "Am I legitly the one who manages to talk here."

Behind the Doctor, the Figure saw the Godhead made a movement which suddenly made the Masked Figure dashed towards the Time Lord, the Doctor didn't have time to respond from that, the Masked Figure grabbed hold of the Time Lord, his body pressed against its body, the Figure turns around with the Doctor having its back faced towards te Godheads, the Doctor soon felt a jerk movement from the Masked Figure and he began to notice on how the Figure is slowly losing the grip on the Time Lord, He began to know something is not right, the Doctor is trying to gather on what just happened, He moved away from the large Figure to see it leaning forward looking like it is in pain. The Doctor began to walk without taking eyes off the Figure, as the Doctor got the view of the Figure's back and he notices that there is a large punched hole on Its back, the Doctor began to look mortified from the sight then he looked at the God of Chaos and see that it is in a different stance as if he made move.

"What did you just do?" the Doctor asked.

The Time Lord turns his head back to the Figure which is now beginning to dissolve slowly into the air for a moment leading to poofing to nothing but dust and smoke, all over the place seems to be falling apart which the Doctor was right that the Masked Figure was the one who created this realm, He looked back to the Larger one and see that it is the same state as everything around them.
Out of nowhere, the Doctor felt a sudden sharp pain in his chest, he gripped it with his hand tightly as well a sudden weight just landed on his head causing him to fall to his knees and then fall to his right side, He knows that everything is not real but the feeling surely does and the pain is what it is, and that is to be Death.

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