Chaper 5.

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Violet's Prov*

I Sat in my cabin room crying. The door opened i looked up i seen Niall standing there he rushed over to me.

" Are you ok love, " He asks

" No Harry keeps cheating on me " i sob Niall brings me into a hug. I Sob into his chest

" Sorry " I Mummbled

" Its fine princess " I Smiled at the last word

I Sat there in his arms crying. I Stopped crying Niall cupped my face in his hands

" If you need anything im here " He says

" Thank's Niall your the best " I Smile and so does he

" I Gotta go im tired "

" I Know this is going to sound odd but can i stay with you? " I Ask looking at the floor

" Of course you can " He says i smile looking up at him

He waits on my bed as i get a backpack Getting a outfit for tommorrow and my makeup my phone and my toothbrush, Hairbush and other things i might need.

" Ready yet love " He asks and i smile nodding

Niall's Prov*

Poo Violet, Harry keeps cheating on her. I Can't blame her for wanting to stay away from her. I Kinda liked her more then a friend. I Put my arm around her shoulders walking back to my cabin. I See Harry walking towards her cabin. I bring to hide behind a tree 

" Whats going on " She asks and i cover her mouth

" Harry is walking towards your cabin " i say and her vision flickers to Harry walking towards her cabin. Looking back me

We started walking again reaching my cabin. We walked in getting settled. We climbed into my bed which was on top of Louis's bunk. She cuddled up to my chest falling asleep i played with her hair for a couple minutes before falling asleep.

~ morning ~   Niall's Prov*

We both woke up at the same time. I looked over at Harry's bed. He was laying the other way his back facing us. She got down and so did i. I Looked at the time the horn as about to blow in Ten minutes. We had to hurry she grabbed her bag running into the bathroom returning five minutes later changed and makeup fixed. I Got changed and met her by the door outside. I Took her to her cabin she put her bag down by her bed. I Held her hand. Lacing our fingers together. She walked closer to me. We got our breakfast. I Got some pancakes and orange juice and some bacon to top it off i got some blue berrys putting them onto my pancakes. Violet got fruit and a waffle. And Orange juice. We sat down Two tables away from the door. Liam Louis and Zayn came into the lunch room getting their breakfast sitting with us.

" Hey guys " Liam said

" Hey " Violet said

" Whats up " i said

" Are you guys like dating? " Zayn asks

" It's uhmm how do i put this " Violet says

" Uhm Were Best boyfriend and Girlfriend " Violet jokes and we all burst into laughter

" Nice " I High five her and laugh

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