chapter seven: reunion

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Elisa laughed as Peter stared at the box for the fifth time

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Elisa laughed as Peter stared at the box for the fifth time.

"I could have sworn it said four- fifty," he sighed and Elisa chuckled.

"It's fine Peter," she spoke warmly, "you're not perfect, and it's one happy accident."

Peter smiled as they salvaged what they could with the cake and cleaned everything up. They were doing the dishes and smacking each other with the hand towels when Aunt May walked in.

"Hey kiddos, wow that's a strong smell," she said and Elisa smiled.

"Hi Miss Parker, we tried making a cake," Elisa spoke up from the kitchen as she finished the last dish, dodging Peters thrips from the towel.

"Elisa, is that you?" Aunt May asked, walking in on the immaculate kitchen.

She held a hand to her chest as Elisa made Peter finish drying.

"I haven't seen it this clean since I moved in," she said and looked to Elisa.

"I felt bad for using all your stuff and then was unable to get it right," she frowned.

"Yeah she went into hyper cleaning mode," Peter said as he put the last cup away.

"Honey, this is so sweet!" Aunt May spoke in awe.

"It's no problem, I enjoy organizing," she said and Aunt May nodded.

"Well I'm so glad you're here, I'm happy that Peter now has more than one friend," Aunt May winked at Peter.

"May," he groaned and Elisa raised an eyebrow.

"I'm shocked, you're awesome, Peter, you should be the most popular guy at your school," Elisa assessed as she crossed her arms.

"That title is held to Eugene Thompson," Aunt May rolled her eyes.

"Sounds like an ego," Elisa Said and looked to Peter.

"You know he calls him Penis Parker?" Aunt May said and Elisa widened her eyes
"You let people bully you, Parker?" She asked and Peter sighed.

"It's a long story," Peter went on and Elisa rolled her eyes.

"I'm not standing for this," she said and went on her phone.

But as she went onto Twitter she was already trending. And on the number one tweet was a photo of her and Peter in the Park.

"Oh," she said and tilted her head.

"Peter you're practically famous now, you're trending on Twitter with me," she said and showed Peter the photo.

Aunt May smiled.

"That's great!" She chirped and Peter took the phone and stared at the photo.

"Well uh, at least I won't be called Penis Parker," he said and Elisa nodded.

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