A promise

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Apparently my day started with me bumping into a boy. I continue the day by looking for my locker and I finally found it, 305.  As I walk, everyone looks at me and starts whispering. All I could hear was :"oh this is Lauren Sparks" "I heard she is a really manipulative,trouble girl"

The school is fully packed and with more than 400 students but apparently everyone's focused on me .

I was shocked. Rumors spread about me before I reached my first class.

I open my locker and put books that I don't need for the first half of the day. As I close my locker, I hear someone talking to me.

"Hey, you seem like a new student, I am Hannah by the way."

"Yup. No need for an explanation I guess, and I am Lauren ."

Hannah starts showing me around and we had some classes together. She was the first "friend?" I had in the new school and honestly it felt good that she doesn't believe the rumors.
It was lunch time. Lauren and Hannah sat together and started talking.

"So Lauren, I heard that you had an accident earlier with Drake, the most handsome guy ever." She says dreamily.

"Oh yeah, it was nothing really."

"Let's talk about each other so what's up with all those rumors? I don't think they are real cause you seem like a friendly person."

"Can I trust you with something that you can't tell anyone?"

"I promise."

"So last year there was this popular boy that I had a crush on. He knew it and took advantage of me. He broke my heart and I was devastated. Ever since I promised myself to not deal with any popular boys anymore.Everyone said I was weak and other crap so I changed. I became confident and didn't care what people said about me and I just did what made me happy. People called my confidence trouble and this is where I got my nickname, "Trouble girl."

"Yeesh, that sucks , but atleast you got me!"

That's when I knew that Hannah and I will be the bestest friends.

As we were talking, a boy sat next to me and as
I turn to see who it is and it was Drake. The boy I bumped into. "fun"

"Hello there, we never got to meet properly." Drake started.

"Hello, I'm Drake, varsity athlete, and technically the most popular guys here."

That's a really weird way to introduce yourself but I figured he was self-centered. Ugh, boys.

"Hi , I am Lauren. I am not interested in meeting you and I just lost my appetite so I am leaving."

As I stood up he grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"It's usually every girl begs to talk to me but you're quite different. I like it."

"Well, I am not the type of girls who falls in love with popular boys and it would be nice if you left me alone." I replied back.

I pulled my hand back and left to my next class, gym. Hannah followed me right away.

"Lauren, you seriously need to chill. He was just trying to be friendly." Hannah told me

" I never had a good history with boys and I just don't want history to repeat itself." I replied feeling anxious saying that.

"How about we go to a coffee shop just few blocks away from school to get to know each other better?"

"Honestly that might be the highlight of my day. I'm up for it."

Hello!! How is this chapter? Better? I hope you all are enjoying it so far! Oh and there is a pic of Drake up there :3 Wanna now what's next, keep reading;)

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