You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [2]

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I woke up to hear a beep go off. I looked around to see we landed already! "Ladies and Gentlemen please stay in your seat for one more minute!" Shouted the lady on the intercom. I heard crackling noise which meant that it's time to wake up, and she's crumbling paper. "Dad wake up we're here." I said shaking his arm roughly. "Mhm." He mumble before snoring. I rolled my eyes and unbuckled my seat belt and took my carry on and got off. I went down the stairs to get some exercise. Two steps at a time. I reached the top and took that electric train that took you outside and to baggage claim. I sat down in a empty seat. My mother told me to always look around your surroundings. I silently scoped out the train. There was a few old people sitting by the door, a little boy and his dad, and two boys who looked around 15. They seemed to be staring at me.

I looked at one of them in the eye out of the corner of mines. His eyes held nothing but lust. I scrunched up my face. Perv. The doors opened so I quickly dashed out the door before the electric train could fully stop. I remembered seeing that the one with lust had dark brown hair, green eyes, and black clothes. The other one had dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, a few freckles, and bright clothing. He kinda reminded me of my first boyfriend who turns out, is gay. I brushed it off and got my bag that was almost going back into the box thing.

I rolled my bag over to a nearby bench and sat down. Not alot of people we're at the airport since it is a Tuesday. "Excuse me are you Julie Rocque?" Asked a woman. I looked up to see a dark skinned lady with shiny black hair, brown eyes, pencil skirt, and a white blouse. "Yes?" I said hesitantly. "I'm Kelly, your Dad's assistant." She said smiling and sitting down next to me. "Where is your dad?" She asked emphasizing is. "I'm right here!" Yelled my Dad. "Let's go!" He added walking out the door. I quickly grabbed my bags and headed out the door behind Kelly.

We walked out to a black Mercedes. "I love these cars!" I exclaimed running towards the car. I flung open the door and jumped into the car and pulled my big suitcase in. When we got to Rocque Records I left my suitcase in the car and ran up to the front door. I was determined to get away from the heat. I flung open the door to feel the cold air brush against my skins. "Don't you just love this feeling?" I asked sitting down in one of the chairs by the entrance. "Ya." Kelly said dreamingly.

"Freight Train get the dogs over here to meet Julie!" Yelled my Dad before snapping his phone shut. "I'm meeting BTR?" I asked sitting up straight. "Yea, now go into the recording studio." He said. I rolled my eyes and walked into the recording studio. I started singing random songs for a while.Soon Dad started yelling. "Julie come meet the dogs!" 

 "Coming." I said softly.

Kendall's P.O.V.

"Julie come meet the dogs!" Gustavo yelled. Then in walked the most gorgeous girl in the world. She had long brown hair. Greyish-green eyes, an appealing tank and matching flip flops, and capri's. "Hi I'm Julie." She said shaking our hands. My hand lingered on her soft warm hands before letting go quickly. I have a girlfriend!"James take Julie's bag's to the Palm Woods." He yelled. "She's staying in our apartment?" Asked Carlos. "No, now bye!" He yelled pushing us outside and whispering some thing in Julie's ear before letting her walk outside on her own. "M'Lady?" Asked James holding out an arm. She giggled softly and linked arms with him. Carlos quickly linked arms with her other hand leaving Logan and I to drive and carry her bags. Sometimes I wish I didn't have a girlfriend. No I don't! Do...ah! Grr....

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