Good Girls (Ashton Irwin One Shot)

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“Alex, how are you doing all this work? Can you take a break gahhdd,” Ashton whined. He called and asked me over so that we could spend time together. To celebrate his birthday. And I was being a jerk by not giving him the attention he deserved. 

“Look, I’m sorry. I just- I need to finish this, and I haven’t had time to do it, and I’m just under a lot of-“ 

“You haven’t had time to do it?” Ashton gave me the menacing eyes I’ve become familiar with through the 18 years we’ve been friends. Basically since I was born.

I swallowed a huge lump in my throat, forcing myself to lie. Don’t let him see it Alex, lie. I’m a great liar, an amazing one. But having been friends with Ashton since… forever, meant he could read past my facade and know exactly what was going on even before I did.

“Uhmm, yeah, I was doing other work for my internship and the articles that my editor wanted on his desk a month early. Ha.. just been really busy with other work,” I closed my book and made a move for the kitchen. 

Ashton pulled me before I could get away and held my wrist in a firm grip. I smiled and stretched my neck away from him. He looked down at me intimidatingly, inching closer, forcing me to sit down. The smile vanished from my face in an instance. 

“You can fool your agents and managers with that smile of yours, Hunter, but you can’t fool me. Spill,” Ashton had begun pacing back and forth, calling me by my last name, letting me know he was serious. 

“Well Irwin, as you’d be pleased to know, nothing is up,” I made an act of dusting my jeans off, “I’m gonna go get some popcorn.” He let me past him, but followed after me anyway. There was an awkward silence as the popcorn began heating up in the microwave. 

“Are your grades droppi-“


“Are you wagging scho-“

“Absolutely not.”

“Are you being bulli-“

“No one can touch me Ash, you know that.”

“I KNOW! Oh my go- Are you seeing someone?” Ashton’s voice was laced with malice and his eyes sparkled. He knew he hit bullseye. I struggled to keep myself still, and struggled even more to get myself to move. Ashton had me pinned against the counter. 

He jumped away from me as the first round of kernels popped. After he adjusted himself, he returned his attention to me.

“So you are, aren’t you? You’re seeing someone. You little lesbian, I thought it would never happen! Is he better looking than me? Is he smart? Oh yuck, is he a posh guy? Is he stronger than me?” Ashton had appointed himself the position of annoying me and interrogating me with embarrassing questions.

I stuck my chin up, “And if he is stronger than you, then what?” A quick reflection of anger passed before his eyes. 

“Challenge accepted Hunter.” My eyes widened as the words fell out of his mouth. I made a run for it, pushing his arms away and starting for the stairs. 

All of a sudden, I was swept off my feet and the world had turned upside down. The blood began to rush to my head and I felt nauseated. I smacked my fists into Ashton’s back but he continued to climb the stairs without struggle.

“Ashton, please! Let me down!” I felt his head shake against my hips and his body vibrate as he began to speak.

“Who’s stronger?” I was almost certain that he could telepathically tell that my eyes had rolled to the back of my head. I grunted a sound of defeat as I told him the words which fed his ego.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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