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"Do you remember when you escaped, where I took you first?"

Lotor and Lance sat in the cell as they just talked together about past memories and seeing what Lance could and couldn't remember yet.

"We camped out on the top of the leaning tower of pisa," Lance stated and Lotor nodded.

"It was the first night you've seen the stars in years, you deserved to see the stars, so I took you to the tallest building," Lotor laughed softly as Lance smiled leaning against his shoulder siting next to him. He glanced at his healed wrist as Lotor gave him a little blood again feeling guilty.

"Yea I remember, we stole wine from the rich bastards," Lance giggled as he rested his head against his shoulder tiredly as his head still hurt of a hangover.

"Finest wine in all of Italy, it was a celebrating night," Lotor raised his hand as if he was toasting like those moons ago.

"Would you ever let me take you to travel Europe again? Theres so many new things that have been there since the beginning," Lotor looked down at him softly.

"I/you grew up with the world we know now,"

They looked at each other again and they cackled at their own quote they made together as Lotors shoulders shook as he laugh but smiled even more hearing lances laugh again.

"Can I... Can I ask where the slaves where held? Where I was held?" Lance gulped as their laughter died down.

"It was under the Colosseum in Rome," Lotor told him honestly feeling Lance taking a small breath.

"Sneaky," he sighed as Lotor nodded.

"My father was a monster, he's the reason my kind have the horrid stereotype," he groaned as Lance nudged him.

"Your not so bad," Lance teased.

"... I guess," Lotor gulped as Lance glanced up at him.

"What?" Lance laughed through his nose confused.

"I-uh... I know, you said that when we escaped," Lotor shrugged.

"We?" Lance raised an eye brow.

"The galra, I hated it there, doing what I did, being one of them, when you escaped, we both did that night, we both earned freedom," Lotor explained softly, just below a whisper so only Lance could hear.

"The cottage... Our safe haven," Lance smiled.

"Is it still there?" Lance looked up at him wide eyes.

"It was burned to the ground Lance, that was the night we were separated," Lotor explained frowning as he knitted his eye brows together at the memory.

"Please tell me what happened? If we where so happy together then why did we loose each other? Why can't I remember a damn thing about that night," Lance asked shaking his head in disbelief.

"It's... Not a night that I'm proud of, I blame myself for it,"

Lotor ran into the cottage as he slammed the door closed scaring Elijah who was reading in their bed.

"They found us," Lotor walked to the room grabbing Elijah to get him to his feet.

"Lotor what's going on? Wha-" Lotor covered his mouth as they listened to the silences.

"Witches and the rebels," Lotor whispered in his ear.

Elijah pulled himself away slowly as he glanced out the window with wide blue eyes.

"Why? What happened? Lotor how did they..." They both paused again with wide eyes as Lotor could hear his lovers heart racing.

"They're not going to..." He trailed off as he covered his mouth inhaling quickly as he stood there with wide eyes.

"Eli, Elijah, I won't let them take you back, they won't, I promise they won't take you back there," Lotor held him tightly as Elijah gripped his jacket tightly.

"They know who I am, I'm so sorry my love, this is my fault," he kissed his head softly.

"We need to go, let's go travel the world like we wanted to, leave your people behind, let's go... You and me," Elijah looked up at him smirking.

"Go back to London... Paris, Spain, travel across the ocean," he held the side of his face as Lotor smiled.

"Anything for you," he kissed his lips gently. "Let's go,"

Lotor gripped his hand tightly as they heard someone kick in the door and saw it was a witch.

"Holding that human hostage is low Prince," the witch snarled.

In a blink of an eye Elijah was in her face as he growled when black veins surrounded his eyes and had blood red eyes along with his blue irises snarling as he ripped into her neck until she dropped dead.

"Witches haven't always been a favorite," Lance smiled back at Lotor as his chin was dripping in blood.

"Nor for any vampire in that case," Lotor ran to the door but his eyes widen seeing they where trapped inside.

"No... No!" Lotor slammed his fist on the invisible wall that held them in.

"Prince," a British voice scoffed as Elijah hid behind his lover with wide blue eyes.

"Allura dearest, how unpleasant it is to see you," Lotor glared as he kept Elijah behind him.

"Let us go," he snarled. Allura looked at the man behind him and saw his fearful blue eyes and blood from his mouth staring at Allura.

"Your time has finally come beast," Allura grabbed her bow staff.

"Have said many witches that are far greater than your arrogant ways," Lotor seized his sword from its holster on his hip.

"What are you going to do? Come out and kill me? Step out of the cottage and you will burn in the sun," Allura hissed.

"I've been around for quite some time now," Lotor smirked as he swung the sword and it went through the wall and into a witch who stood guard by the door. "I have my ways,"

Lotor stared at the ground frowning at the memory.

"They burned our home down as a wooden steak kept me down but when I forced it out of my diaphragm... They were gone along with you... I don't know what happened to you after that," he sighed looking away as he remembered how petrified the young vampire once was. His eyes staring at him as if he was the answer to everything.

"Who was the witch that was the leader?" Lance whispered.

"I don't remember," Lotor lied as Allura stepped to the door hearing parts but saw Lance and Lotor sitting against the wall together and Lance laying his head against Lotors shoulder.

"It just went to fast," he glared at her as Allura glared back.

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