Everything's Gone Haywire

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A month had passed since the incident with the rainbow cereal and the Chipettes were called for a one week singing tour around New York, leaving the three boys to lounge around by themselves.

"It's not fair! How come the Chipettes get to go on a road trip?!" Alvin complained to no one in particular as he slid onto his back on the food-covered sofa. Theodore was munching on a chocolate biscuit beside him, while Simon lay on the floor. All three doing absolutely nothing. "Ughh! This is so BORING!"

Suddenly, a light-bulb went off in Alvin's head. A mischievous grin took over his face as he ran around the house, looking for supplies.

"Alvin! What are you doing?!" Simon demanded, getting up on his feet, but his brother either didn't hear him or he was just ignoring him.

Two hours later..........

"GUYS!!!!" Alvin exclaimed, popping up from behind the sofa, making Theodore's fur shoot up before he fell off the coach.

"Guess what I came up with!?!?!?!" The brown eyed Chipmunk yelled excitedly, ignoring the fact the Theodore's pupils were doing circles.

"I had come up with the most coolest, the most AWESOME, the most super, amazing, craziest, AAANNNDD THE MOST-" Alvin started to say.

"Just get on with it..." Simon interrupted him.

"Ugh, way to interrupt the moment, SIMON!" Alvin huffed. "Anyway, as I was trying to say, this idea is awesome. Trust me on this one! You guys just have to follow me into the backyard. I ordered some fella's to help me with this thing."

"And did your thing involve building something? Because I can clearly see that construction hat that you're hiding behind your back. At least trying to... Wait-Hey! It better not be a thirty foot long swimming pool in the garden now!" Simon stated.

Alvin scowled then groaned. "Why do you have to be right all the time?! It's called SUSPENSE! Ever heard of such a word? I thought that so-called big brain of yours would be able to hold such a basic word." He air-quoted on the word 'basic'.

He then pretended to shudder. "Uh oh! I called 'suspense' a basic word! I'm gonna be another Simon! This is NOT good! Oh nooo!!! The brains! I feel the brains growing from inside my head! Eghh, I'm slowly dying... bleh ugh (strained voice) *gasp* and... gone..." Alvin fell down on the top of the sofa, being playful with his act, he then bolted back upright, making Theodore screech (again).

Alvin started to laugh. Tears almost forming from the amusement of his own act.

Simon then lost his cool. "Hey, at least I actually have BRAINS to do anything sensible! You always think you're so special and whatever! You're EGO is practically bigger than your BRAIN!"

Alvin stopped laughing mid-sentence to what Simon had to say. After he finished his outburst, Alvin frowned. "Simon. Don't be like that. I was only fooling around!"

Alvin jumped down and went to put his paw on his brother's shoulder. Simon pushed it away roughly. Seemed like he was in a bad mood😥

"Well, I'm SICK of it! All you do is play around!" Simon yelled. "Who in the world gave you the permission to start building a SWIMMING POOL in the BACKYARD!?!?!?"

"I gave myself the permission. Dave's hardly home, the Chipettes are going to be on a road-trip for another week and I'm the oldest around here! We gotta do something fun!" Alvin argued.

"Well, I don't CARE!" Simon started. Then he poked his finger into Alvin's chest saying, "Because even though you're the oldest, I'm still wondering when you will GROW UP! It's no wonder Dave got a job, he got sick of you! He got sick of  ALL OF US!" With that, Simon ran out of the living room and into the bedroom.

Alvin was left behind on the sofa, trying to process what Simon had just told him. "Alvin? Are you OK?" Theodore asked, struggling to climb onto the couch.

"I.. need to go." Alvin said as he scampered off, leaving Theodore by himself.



"Well, girls, what did you all think of today's singing?" Brittany asked her sisters as she walked through the door of their five-star hotel room. Their room held three king-sized beds, two sofas, a large TV, a bathroom half the size of the room itself(the main room was real huge!) and other drawers, dressers, closets, chairs and tables. It was eight o'clock at night and the Chipettes were close to exhausted. 

"Yeah, it was great!" Eleanor exclaimed happily, but then she yawned. "But my voice needs some rest."

Jeannette agreed, "It was pretty fun. I had the unicorn cappuccino at Starbucks- for free! It was delicious!"

"I'm sure it was." Brittany said. "Come on now, ladies! Time for some beauty sleep."

All three singing chipmunks were about to head to bed a the phone rang, making them jump in surprise.

"Who in the world would call this late?" Jeannette asked.

"Alvin." Brittany scoffed. "Alvin would. I bet he's prank calling us just for the fun of it. Ignore it." Though, while the chipettes were getting ready for a good night's sleep, the phone rang another three times.

"Umm, Brittany? I really think we should answer it. What if it's an emergency?!" Eleanor exclaimed.

Brittany hesitated, but then clicked the 'return call' button on the phone. "Hello?" Brit called out.

"Hi, are these the Chipettes?" A female voice asked from the other end.

"Yeah, we are. Anything we can do for you? Another singing performance perhaps?... Who is this anyway? If it's not too rude to ask." Brittany said.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I should have introduced myself first. I'm Naomie, Dave's colleague in the music industry." Naomie told the girls. Then she added sadly, "I'm afraid I have some really bad news for you guys. Dave accidentally sprained his ankle on the steps earlier today. He's gotten a cast and everything, but he won't be able to walk properly for two weeks. He asked me to inform you girls since you're all away for the time being."

"Oh no! Poor Dave!" Eleanor exclaimed.

"Well, thanks for telling us, Naomie. We'll be sure to send Dave lots of 'Get well soon' cards while we're here!" Brittany thanked her.

"No problem, Chipettes." Naomie told them. "I'm pretty sure Dave will have to miss a few days of work, but he's told me about him and his boys, so I bet he'll have the time of his life with them! Well, talk to you girls next time. I know it's pretty late, so I apologize."

"Oh, don't apologize for anything!" Jeannette assured her. "You were just doing what Dave wanted."

"OK then. Well, goodbye, girls!" Naomie said.

"Goodbye!" All three Chipettes said in unison. Then both lines hung up.

After the phone call, there was silence in the room. "Who else thinks that Dave likes this Naomie woman?" Brittany asked. All three paws were held up. "That settles it."

Another five minutes went by and the chipmunks were in their beds. Her sisters were sleeping but Eleanor was still half-awake. When she heard a thump near the window, she gasped and sat upright. "Who's there?!" She demanded in a frightened whisper. She looked around but saw nothing, so she lay back down and his herself under the covers.

"O-OK, d-don't need to be afraid Eleanor. It was p-probably just me h-hearing things-" Eleanor tried to pep-talk with herself when she suddenly heard weird noises like footsteps coming up to the Chipettes' beds. "O-Or, it could really b-be that someone is actually s-sneaking inside." She squeaked to herself.

Alvin and the chipmunks- Family Comes First (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now