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Episode 15

Swara is in her room with neatly dressed and light mackup. Mukti is sitting in the bed with Aashna in her hands. Mukti can't see Swara's state and she felt pity for her. She went near Swara and held her shoulder and asked,"Swara if you didn't like this arrangement then why you accepted for this marriage??"

"Mukti see ma and bhai. They are happy after years. I don't want to spoil their happiness. And moreover our parents won't think any bad for us. May be now i am not in the state to accept this marriage but as time goes may be i will accept his as my husband and will live happily. So don't worry about me."

"You are so understanding and very good Swara."

"No Mukti i had already got a big scare in my life. I don't want any mistake to happen. That's it."

"Okie Swara. Then try to be happy Swara. If Arnav or Aunty see you like this then they will feel bad."

"You are right Mukti. Thanks for being with me."

"Swara I am going to slap you idiot."

"Okie meri ma sorry. Now you get ready. I will go and help them." Mukti said and went from there. Swara sat in the bed and she is thinking about the incidents that happen before some days.

Arnav after telling Khushi about the proposal for Swara he was so happy. He went home and informed Shomi and Swara. Shomi became very happy. Swara is shocked that they everything is happening so fast. She didn't imagine in her dreams that they will fix the marriage soon. But she didn't speak anything against them. Arnav showed the groom picture and Shomi liked him. Swara too saw that pic and she felt he is good looking. But she didn't say anything. She just nodded her head when they asked her opinion. So everyone thought that she liked the groom.

"Ma now i am very happy. Swara accepted for marriage. If alone papa is here he would have been very happy."

"Yes Arnav. Your papa had a big dream about Swara's marriage. But his dream went like a dream itself."

"Ma you don't worry now we will do like papa dreamt."

"Yes Arnav. You are right. Will fullfill all his wishes in this marriage. I am so happy"

"Ma even me too. And ma see our Swara will live like a princess in their house." Shomi prayed to god to make Arnav's words true. Seeing their happiness Swara decided to be mum and not to do anything which will hurt them. But Arnav and Shomi took her silence in a wrong way that she like this boy. Then the arrangement are made fast. Now the groom family is coming to see Swara.

Swara came to the present hearing Aashna's voice. She kissed her and daughter and made her sleep. After few minutes Mukti and Shomi came there and said her the groom family came. Then they took her out. Groom's mother came to her and took her and made her sit near her.

"Swara we know all about your past. No need to worry for anything. Aashna is my grand daughter if you accept for this marriage. I know you may want to talk to Shyam in person. You both can go and talk and come. After talking to him you can say your opinion. No need to think about your ma and bhai because it's you who is going to live with him." Shomi and Arnav are overwhelmed with her talk. They smiled seeing Swara. Then Shyam and Swara went to Swara's room. Swara made him sit in the bed and she sat in the chair.

"Swara i can understand your state. It will be difficult for you to accept me as your husband. Even i hesitated at first to marry you because i thought i still love my wife Aasha. You know we also did love marriage only but god didn't like me to be happy so he snacthed Aasha and my daughter. Yes Aasha was pregnant at the time when she died. I was so devastated and even took a step to finsih my life but mom,papa all stopped me and made me live. But now i am happy because you look like my Aasha and if my daughter is born she might be in the same age of Aashna. See even her name is same like my wife's name. So you don't need to worry about Aashna at all. If you still have any doubt then i will promise you that Aashna is the only child for us. We don't need any child. You may have doubt that if he loves his wife this much then why he is marrying me!! Swara yes i still love my wife. She will always be in my heart but you will have a special place in my heart if we get married. I accpeted to marry you because you are looking like my wife. If you need time to decide you can take it. That's all i want to talk. Do you want to talk anything to me??"


"Okie then lets go down." Swara and Shyam went down. Everyone are seeing them with eager. Before Shyam could open his mouth, Swara opened her mouth and said,"I am ready to marry Shyamji." At the same moment Sanskar,Ram,Sujatha and Khushi entered inside. Hearing Swara's words everyone are happy except Sanskar's family. Seeing them there Arnav and Shomi are confused. Seeing their expression Sanskar said,"Oh sorry Arnav for coming here suddenly. Actually Khushi told us that groom's family is coming today. So mom made us come here so that we can help. But i think everything is finalised. We came late."

"Sanskar it's okie man. You came at the right time only. Now only main function is going to start." Arnav said and made them sit. Then Shyam's mother came near Swara and did the rituals. After the rituals are finsihed they finished the lunch and went to their home after finalising the engagement date. Sanskar's family too went from there. Arnav and Shomi are very happy. Swara is also feeling light as Shyam promised to take care of Aashna.

In Sanskar's house, Sanskar came there and went to his room without talking to anyone. Khushi came back of him but stopped by Sanskar,"Khushi i want to be alone. Please" Khushi nodded her head and went down. Sujatha and Ram are sitting silently. They don't know what to do because Arnav and Shomi were talking so proudly about Shyam and his family. They both saw Khushi coming down.

"Khushi why you left Sanskar down."

"Mom he want to be alone. So he asked me to go."

"Khushi, Sanskar told us about your love only why you both hided the fact that Sanskar loves Swara??"

"Papa bhai doesn't want to hurt Swara at any cost. He want to make her love him first and then only he wanted to talk to you."

"But see what happened now. Swara is going to marry someone else now."

"Dad she is going to marry only she didn't marry anyone till now. So i have lot of time. As i always say Swara is mine. I lost her one time but won't repeat the same mistake again. At any cost it's me who is going to marry her. Till today morning you don't know about me loving Swara. Maintain that itself dad. I know how to make her mine." Sanskar who came down heard his dad's talk and said this and went out. Everyone are shocked. Sujatha and Ram went into thoughts how they found out that Sanskar loves Swara. At 7 A.M. Arnav called Khushi and informed her about the arrival of Shyam's family. Khushi is shocked to hear that. She kept the call and went to Sanskar's room. But to her dismay Sanskar is not there. She came down furiously and searched for Sanskar. He is not there at any place. Seeing her Ram asked her,"Khushi what happened??"

"Papa I want to see Sanskar bhai. I want to talk something important with him."

"What's the matter Khushi. Tell to me"

"Papa vo vo!!"

"Khushi tell me."

"Today groom's family is coming to see Swara. Mostly they will finalise everything as Arnav said the groom and his family are so good."

"Wow this is good news Khushi"

"Papa you are not understanding. This shouldn't happen."

"Why you are thinking like this Khushi??Doesn't you want Swara to be happy??"

"Oh ma it's not about that. I want both Swara and Bhai to be happy."

"I am not understanding anything. What does Sanskar have in this??"

"Dad and ma, bhai loves Swara. He is in love with her for more than 3 years." Sujatha and Ram are shocked.

"Khushi what are you saying??" Khushi told everything about when Sanksar saw her first,Swara joining their company and also her past. Hearing this Ram and Sujatha are proud of Sanskar but at the same time they are sad as he didn't share this with them. At the same time Sanskar came inside.

"Sanskar get ready. We are going to Swara's house to engage her with you. Get ready fast." Sanskar is shocked. Then khushi said him that she told everything to them. He went and hugged both and thanked them. Then everyone went to Swara's house.

Sujatha and Ram came to present when they hear Ram's mobile ringing. The call is from Sharmistha.

"Hello Shomiji."

"Ram ji, Swara's engagement date is fixed. It's after 15 days. You all should come and make this function grand." Shomi said and kept the call. Sujatha, Ram and Khushi are shocked.

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Hope you like this episode. Let's wait and see what Sanskar will do and how they unite.


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