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Episode 24

"What are you saying Sanskar??? Are you serious???"

"Yes Arnav even you are watching everything right???"

"Ya but i don't think it's possible!!!"

"No Arnav don't be narrow minded!!! We can make that possible. Believe me Arnav"

"Okay i alone can't take decision in this. I will talk to ma and Swara and let you know."

"Okay then don't take tension regarding this. Just start enjoying your pre wedding days. After that you can't enjoy man. I know about Khushi!!!"

"So you are saying after marriage Swara is going to torture you right???"(actually Swara just now came there to call them. Hearing her name she stopped and

Arnav saw her)

"Not at all. Swara is not like Khushi. She is my sweetheart. She won't torture me at all. She will make me happy. You know i am dying to marry her but this

dadi huh she believes in astrology a lot. As per mine and Khushi's horoscope she wants to get Khushi married first. Huh she could have said Sanskar you

marry first but no everyone are making my life hell except Swara. And Aashna you know how she is so attached to me. I can't leave her at all. I can't feel

that she is not my daughter and when Swara said i am Aashna's father i was very much happy. Huh i just want to be with them all the time. So get married

quickly then i will get married in the next mahurat itself."

"Sanskar i wish you came first in Swara's life so that our lives would have been different. But it's no use to talk about that now because we can't change

anything now. I am happy that at least now you are in her life."

"Arnav may be if i talked to her the first time i saw her then everything would have been changed but as you said it's no use to talk about the past. Now lets

just concentrate on the present and future. Now lets go. Mom will be waiting for me. And don't forget about the thing i said." Sanskar told and turned to go

but stopped seeing Swara."Hey Swara, When did you come???" he went near her and side hugged her. Swara shied seeing Arnav. Seeing her not comfortable

Arnav understood and said bye and went from there.

"Arnav went from here sweetheart. What are you doing here??"

"Ma called you both inside for dinner. That's why i came here to call you."

"Ohho!!! But Swara i am going home mom will be waiting for me. Actually we all eat dinner together. That's a rule in our house."

"Oh okay then i will tell ma."

"Hmm come lets go." Sanskar said and tried to go but stopped as Swara held his hand.

"Ya Swara."


"Tell me sweetheart."

"I love you Sanskar" she said and kissed his cheek and ran from there. Sanskar is surprised and shocked. Before he could react she went inside. Sanskar ran

inside and saw Arnav and Shomi alone. He searched for Swara. At that time Arnav saw him and called him,"Hey Sanskar!!! Come come we are waiting for

you only."

"No Arnav mom,dad and Khushi will be waiting for me. Actually we eat dinner together always."

"Oh no problem man!!!(seeing his eyes rolling here and other Arnav laughed) Swara is in her room Sanskar.(he said and laughed). Sanskar scratched his head

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