Akira Fudo (Fluff)

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  Requested by XFantasyCreatureX
Ohoho I can add a bit of story to the lemon ;P

  This world was nearly in complete chaos; there would be constant news about another devilman being caught and killed in the streets, but very few would actually escape. The humans were on high alert of them, and it was hilarious. They would stay locked up in their homes, and even started turning against each other, but they weren't killing yet. It would take a while before their red blood will cover the floor. Some of the humans would still go outside, but it would usually be for necessities. It's sad how strong they think they are, but in the end they have no special abilities that can be used against us; all they have is their intelligence, but when they get too scared they turn stupid.

  It was actually nice outside. People were walking their dogs, with their children, or holding hands with their lover. It showed how much humans prized 'affection' and 'companionship,' but some just saw it as a game. Demons don't exactly understand it, because it's all about sex and becoming stronger. To become stronger you don't train, you eat other demons to fuse, but some use their stronger mate, and eat them when they're the most vulnerable. Other demons have tried this on you before, but it ultimately ended in you being the one that got stronger, it's how you got in the position of one of the strongest demons in your world. This reminded you of how humans would use each other for power [money], and end up at the top, or with fame.

  You're currently at the top of a roof with some devilmen, and it was interesting. One would be running around continuously, but the other seemed a bit less energetic. Your Akira was holding your hand as you both looked down at the humans living in a horror filled world. You felt pitty for them, but it's too late, and Lucifer had already opened the gates to hell. These two worlds were combining, and it made you feel a sort-of hatred. This place alone was beautiful and peaceful, but now the devil's hunger has quickly overcome.

  The cool wind blew at your loose clothing, making them wave like a flag. The breeze woke you up from your semi-consciousness, and you had just remembered you were sitting on the edge of a high building. You looked around in a daze, but eventually realized you were here, because the two devilmen had to hide. Why they became devilmen confused you, but you were pretty sure it was for some sort of power. You had been following Akira unconsciously, and only pay attention to some other random things, which is probably why you don't remember much from the past week.

"(M/N), what do you think of devilmen," Akira asked, as he rested his head on your lap.

  You thought for a second before you answered, "Most of them are either idiots craving special abilities, or asses looking for some fun."

  Akira then cried out with his eyebrows furrowed, "W-What about me!?"

"You were dragged into this by your 'friend,'" You sighed.

  A few hours past, but it felt like seconds, even if you were just watching as the police were killing devilmen. It was starting to turn dark, and the world became even quieter. You and Akira were still sitting in the same position as before, and he was starting to close his eyes. You were also feeling a bit tired, but you weren't gonna' let your guard down just yet. The other two had already gone off into the darkness, so it was just the two powerful beings sitting comfortably by each other.

  Akira looked up at you, and asked, "How about love?"

"It's nice, but all I know is power and sex," You answered bluntly.

  He looked at you sadly, and said just one word: affection. Affection was easy to fake, especially when you've learned from the masters. Humans absolutely craved affection, or else they would go off and start killing each other. They gave each other kisses, hugs, attention, words, and gifts to show affection.

  After the voice explained a little more, you answered, "It's much better for me to show, but it's hard for me to understand why you want it so much."

"Here, let me show you some affection, so you can finally understand," Akira whispered.

  He sat up, and wrapped his long arms around your neck. He pulled you closer, and pressed his lips against yours. His soft lips against yours felt as if you face planted on a really soft blanket. You liked this much more than just having constant sex with him, and it weirdly surprised you. You slowly wrapped your arms around his waist, and his legs unconsciously wrapped around your waist. The two lovers finally parted, and Akira ended up with an extremely red face.

  You chuckled, "Your goddamned warmth is a thousand times better than anything I've experienced!"

  Akira giggled at your proclamation, and rested his head on your shoulder. His human body made you feel better about humans, but their stupidity still amazed you. The body was soft and comfortable; it was like a pillow with bones. His demon body was big, broad, and cold, but you still dealt with it.

  He pressed himself closer to your chest, and fell asleep. Akira was completely limp and defenseless, but you started feeling the same. Your    (E/C) orbs were being half covered by your eyelids, and your neck felt weak. You decided to move back, and not sleep on the edge where you can both fall off, and die.

  You finally let the darkness consume you, and you fell unconscious. You were wary about sleeping out in the open, but you knew if any of the other devilmen tried anything they'd be dead before you even woke up. All that really mattered was Akira, and his 'family.'

My lazy ass finally did something during the weekend. Anyways, thank you for reading, and goodnight.

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