4 Jimin Don't eat

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I woke up still in little space,because of that I was hungry so after I brushed my teeth,I was about to go out of my locked room then I remember Jungkook's words."Fat ass pig! No one will love you,you are just some fat faker! You're mother did a mistake borning you! You are a mistake god made!"I feel tears running down my face.

I'm such a crybaby(Mealinie martinnez)

I don't go out of my room to eat,I stay in my room I hear my Tummy grumble,but I have to not eat other wise I'll get Fatter then I was before.(Is Fatter even a word? Bc idk)I hear Chimmy talk.

"Goodmourning Jiminie!You should go and eat breakfast!""Gwoodmowurning Chimmy! Bwut I cwan't gwo eat brweakfast! I will get fatter thwen I already a-am." "Nonsense Child! You.must.eat!I can not have you to starve!"

"Chimmy I'm sowrry b-but I'm ownly doiwng thwis for Kowkie! Maybwe if I'm nwot fat he will actually l-like Jiminie!" "Jiminie...You're love for him is making you blind to you're own health.can't you see that you're starving yourself?!"

"Jiminie no stwarve,Jiminie on d-diet!"I hear Chimmy sigh."Jiminie...In a diet you do eat! But you only eat healthy food!" "O-oh b-but I swtill wanna dwo this way!" "Jiminie how long have you been doing this?" "Evwer since the inncidewnt witfh my Mommy!"I hear Chimmy gasp."Jiminie!"He takes me to the mirror and lifts up my shirt.




Jungkook's words keep hurting me.

Yet Jungkook's words are what I see.

"You are skinny!"Chimmy says."Nwo I'wm nwot! I'm fat.ugly and a pig!"I say as I run out of the bathroom,pulling back down my shirt in the process.

Chimmy fallows me."Jiminie...." "Chimmy...can you juwst p-pwease nwot lwet me ewat? Juwst thwis once fwor a few d-days?"He sighs."Fine.but if anything happends to you,for example if you faint or somthing,then you.are.going.to.eat!" "What if I down't wanna e-eat?" "Then I'll just call one of Jungkook's friends to make you eat!" Now it was my turn to gasp.

"Chimmy why wouwld you cwall one of the m-mweanies?" "I have a feeling that not all of them are meanies,as if one is just pretending to be a meanie,as if they hate being mean to you." What? "In engwish pwease C-Chimmy!"

"Yah! Jiminie I said it in english-oh wait nvm I'll talk in You're language."
"Chimmy feel wike one of the meanies is nwot trying to be mean to Jiminie,as if thwey are pwaying prewtend!"

Oh now I get what he is saying,whatever he was saying last time was not in english!

"I understwand n-now!" "Ok good because for a second there..." "Yeah Yeah I K-Know." "Ok now let's watch some spongebob!" "Ok!"I put spongebob on my Phone then it starts to play.

Jungkook's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of spongebob playing in the Brat's room.I go to his room and knock on his door.I hear Shuffiling,then I guess him changing his Cloths? Then I hear somthing being put in a bag,after He opends the door.

"Y-yes?" "Could you by any chance shut off the stupid spongebob shit?" "W-what?"Did this brat not hear me?"I said could you Shut.off.the.stupid.spongebob.shit?"I say a little bit louder.

"O-oh I-I'm s-sorry I-I'll t-turn i-it o-off."Hmm I just remembered somthing,Usually I'll hear my mom Cooking downstairs.Maybe I can get the brat to cook for me."Hey brat." "Y-yes J-Jungkook?" "I'm hungry go make me somthing to eat will ya?"

"W-why?"He did not just-He did,he is defenetly getting it now!"DON'T ASK QUESTIONS JUST DO IT!"I yell at him,then he quickly nods and runs downstairs.

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