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So this isn't an actual chapter but I was tagged and I guess I have to now answer some questions. Oh yeah I was tagged by Lusheeee.

1) What do you want your kids to be named?
Umm so if it's a girl her name would be Winter. If it's a boy his name would be Ryan.

2) What talent do I need the most?
So a talent I meed the most would have to be being able to handle crying people. Whenever someone cries around me I freeze and don't know what to do.

3) So What would your gender bender be and what would your name be?
So I would be a male and my name would be Ian.

4) What is your favorite Candy?
Well this is totally obvious FUCKING CHOCOLATE. DUH.

5) What is your favorite flower?
I don't really think I have a favorite flower but if I had to pick one it would be that rainbow Sakura tree off that one episode on FairyTail.

6) Favorite Nintendo game?
Mario kart? If that's not one then I don't have one.

7) Favorite Holiday?
This one is actually a tie between Thanksgiving and Valentines Day.

People I Tagged.

Please tell me if i did this tagged thing right and if not I will re do it. That's all I got to say. TTFN.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2018 ⏰

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