[1.3]... and a happy new year

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It was nine o'clock when the bell rings again. I was going to open it, because I was sure that, no matter who was on the door, didn't want to see a person opening the front door tottering with a drunk hiccup. Also Graham went to the toilet at this moment. So I opend the always unlocked door with hopeful feeling. "Oh Michael! Hello! Where are the others?" "Hey Vicky." he hugged me softly. "Don't know where they still are, when they're not here. They should hurry.. only three hours left." I looked out the door, it was STILL raining. I wanted to close it but, instantly, a car drove in the yard very fast and four guys fell of it. They all came in, said hello and I closed the door, took of their jakets and led them to the livingroom, where Gray awaited them and pooring them drinks, while drinking his third Gin and slimline tonic with ice but no lemon in it. The room was filled with pipe-smoke. "You got a new girlfriend, Graham, don't you?" John, the giant, said, laughing about his own joke. I guess they, at this time, still wanted me as his girlfriend. "Yes" Graham replied "but you can have her to." Eric nuged Jonesy whispering whether Graham really "had"  me. "No, he haven't" I answered amused. "...not yet!" they ALL shouted at the same time and they were crackeling about that. Suddenly "Hold your hand" by the Beatles was on, and the whole room was full of cheerful singing. "I wanna hold your hand" whispered Graham to my ear with a gentle smile on his lips. I don't like drunk people, they're always bloody honest or lying and you never know what they really mean. But I gave my hand to him anyway  and we danced in a funny way and after a while I was sure that his comment was only a joke. We all got drunk but I think Mike and I were the only ones who really recognised the fireworks and the beginning of the new year. Eric and Gilliam where high, while Terry and John had an argument. Gray was laying on the ground, so drunk he couldn't even see the difference between me and an armchair. But he was feeling well and happy still. It was around 4 am when they all left: John was the driver and Michael went home by foot. I brought ,the by now less drunk, Graham to his room. He undressed completely in front of me. I wasn't ashamed, neither I felt uncomfortable. He was drunk a confused. "Darling, hug me, I'm lonesome tonight " he cried and started singing singing. I hugged him, hoping that it would end soon. He gave me a kiss on my cheek. "I am lonesome tonight. Kiss me." I noticed that he wasn't as drunk as he acted like, his eyes were to clear and straight. And I thought "now or never" because, I have to admit, I always wanted to know how kissing him feels like. Not because I loved him in a sexual way, no. Justbecause his lips were perfect and smooth looking. And so I just kissed him. No french kiss or something like that. Just a decent nice, small kiss. It was a really nice one and he was obviously more confused than I was. Probably because he didn't expect me to kiss him. "Oh I liked that." He whispered after a few seconds of complete and gave me another one. But more did not happen besides that we kissed for 20 minutes and  then went to bed, without even touching each other. And eventhough he still was completely naked, I still was rather comfortable. I was almost falling asleep, when suddenly my favourite sidekick started laughing out loudly. I turned around and he turned on the light, got up and put on his knickers, still laughing. I wondered why but before I could even ask he said: "Let's dance, sweetheart." I giggled and got up too. "But I won't dance with a boy in pants" I complained. He went to the wardrobe and reached for an elegant brown suit. He got dresses, even with leather shoes and tie. "Ooh.." I muttered. "Wait for it." He said and gave me a rockabilly dress with petticoat, and I still wonder where he got it from. Once wearing the light dress with flowers, all the fatigue I felt before was blown away. "C'mon" he whispered, "Let's go out, watching the stars. I could bring you home. It's not too far and you still look like a proper person and your parents surely wouldn't mind if you come back a bit earlier, would they?" I was still quite confused when I answerd with a short "well, okay." He took my clothes that he hung up for drying before, put them in a small backpack that already included his Bluetooth speaker, put it up his back, turned 'Another day in paradise' by Phil Collins on, took my hand and we went downstairs. I opened the front door. The rain had stopped. The sky was clear and full of millions and billions of stars.

We almost reached my home, when 'Midnight' by Al Bowly was on. "One dance." He said not at all drunk anymore, laying down the back pack on the pavement. Darkness. The only light came from the stars and the moon. And we danced a slow dance. The only line Graham sang along was 'I'll be remembering you, whatever else I'll do'. The music stopped and he said goodnight. We hugged each other and as he turned around I did the same and finally reached my home, my room, my bed. I was confused and because we never talked about that evening again, I still don't know why he laughed, why he wore the suite and why he wanted that one dance so badly. But it was fun.

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