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I know its taking a while for them to meet but I really don't want it to just be some fast tracked cliche of a story. So sit tight. ITS COMING SOON THOUGH I SWEAR. SOONER THAN YOU THINK 😏

ok ok enough. ONWARDS 👇🏽

DR.Tinsel had scheduled a meeting with me. Artemis had been here , under observation for just two days. She will be getting released today but that will be after the meeting.

My dumbass mom still acting like she doesn't give a damn. This shit crazy man, i'm lowkey ready to just say fuck it all man.Just get Art and me a crib ,nothing spontaneous or anything right now but something until we get a good plan. After all we we're about to graduate.

Finally making it to his office , I knocked. Shortly after he answered.

Taking seat in this small ass chair , with
my big lanky ass .

"Im going to cut straight to the point. Your sisters chart show she is suffering from depression , as well as panic disorder. This would explain any irrational actions and decisions. No matter how much you tell her to calm down or don't worry it tends to make things worse with a person suffering from what she is. I highly suggest counseling or her seeing a therapist "

Goddamn man , i know we ain't going to be able to afford some high ass counselor or therapist.

"Do you have any free therapy suggestions?Money is kind of tight right now"

"Indeed I do , I have a colleague , She's the owner of "United" , it's a program that is especially for suicidal teens and drug addicts , it's very intense as well as very effective. Artemis would have to actually live there to complete the entire process. It all depends on her."

"We'll do it. She'll do it. Whatever it takes to help her."

Was Art going to appreciate a suicide boot camp ? No. But if it was going to give her the help I couldn't she'd just have to get over it.

"I'll give you the information, I will inform my colleague and everything should be good from here."

"When can she start?"



"WHAT?! No.No way. Oh hell no"

Artemis , currently going through the first stage of sorting this all out.


"This is ridiculous, I don't need anybody's help"Artemis said over and over again as her brother drove her , They had been driving for a rough half hour by now.

Aristotle only told her that he was taking her to get help.

The second stage ANGER

"I seriously don't need anybody's fucking help Aristotle!WHY. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME. WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?THIS IS YOUR FAULT. I HATE YOU!"she screamed.

Aristotle, both hands on the steering wheel , sitting calmly.

The third stage Bargaining

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