Chapter 6

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"You're late." Jaden called out as Ruby led the way out of the garage.

"Only by two minutes. I promised to drive the speed limit." I couldn't see Ruby's face as she spoke, but her tone was light.

"Alec's waiting." He countered seeming to disagree with her casual attitude. I silently followed the two up the stairs of the entrance hall.

"He'll forgive us." The lightness in Ruby's tone was slowly dissipating.

"You can't always rely on his kindness."

"That's the pot calling the kettle black." Jaden sighed at Ruby's words and the rest of their conversation was held at a speed I could not comprehend.

"I'm going to see you tomorrow, Cara. Have a nice morning." Ruby sighed as we reached the second floor, but she still gave me an encouraging smile. I watched her leave, wondering again what that had been about.

"You're going to be meeting Alec in the drawing room. It's pretty close to your room actually. I'm only here to take you there." Jaden seemed a lot tenser now that the two of us were walking up the stairs by our selves.

I understood why he'd called it the "drawing room" when I followed him in. The room was pretty old fashioned. The walls were covered in a light blue victorian wallpaper and the windows framed by thick navy blue curtains. I presumed that the entrance to the hidden corridors was hidden behind one of them. The only furniture the room held were two large tables and a bunch of chairs around them.

"I'm sorry about this." Jaden said after inhaling audibly. Once again that night, my vision blurred right after hearing words that were spoken quickly.

It was over in the blink of an eye, but that didn't make it any better. I was tied to a chair by wide leather binds around my wrists, my torso and my ankles. I looked at Jaden in shock and fear. What was he planning to do with me? I squirmed in my seat, trying to loosen the bindings even though I knew it would be futile.

"I'm really sorry. But it's the only way that you don't accidently hurt yourself. Soon you won't need to be tied up anymore." He pleaded, the remorse written all over his face. As was the betrayal probably also written all over mine. But his words brought my mind back to focus.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It was then that I felt his presence. The sensation of unexplainable fear that something bad was going to happen. And the feeling was growing stronger.

When the door opened, I wasn't surprised to see Alec. With him came also a wave of understanding: Vampires drank blood to survive. Alec was a vampire, but one with an air more dangerous than anything one could easily come across. His close proximity would lead to a full blown panic attack on my part. To ensure that I didnt hurt myself, they tied me down.

It made sense, but that didn't mean I was happy about it.

"Can't you just sedate me?" I questioned.

"We've tried it with a lot of things, but had a lot of problems with medication on the long run. In the end it turned out to be most effitient to accustom the humans to me by repeated close proximity." Alec explained after nodding to Jaden that he could leave.

"In case you're wondering, I won't be drinking from you tonight. Trying to bite you would lead to a major injury on your part." He continued to explain calmly.

"My proposal for the next hour is to just talk. Would you be okay with that?" If it hadn't been for his scary effect I would have laughed at his proposition. But instead I just nodded.

He smiled and sat in front of me with another chair. He came so close that I couldn't help squirming in my chair again and I felt tears stinging my eyes.

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