Some days end better than they had begun

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"What do you mean it's for me!?" Marshall asked, his voice raised. Gumball tried to stay calm while explaining but Marshall kept on interrupting.

"No!" He declared after the prince nervously attempted speaking. "No to refuse to become ruler of the NightO'Sphere so I don't have to wear that thing." He began to walk towards it. "Marshall what are you doing?" Fiona called out desperately.

"I'm going to destroy it before it becomes a threat." He answered, not looking back. Just as he approached it he froze. He could drop nothing but stare at it.

"What's happening?" He thought, unable to speak aloud.

"Marshall you need to get way form there now!" Gumball yelled from the doorway. "The crown will take control of you if you're not careful!"

Fiona gasped and went to run to his aid, but Gumball's arm stopped her. "Don't." He said. "The crown uses anyone it can to get to the one that it believes it belongs to in the end." He lowered his head. "Even my crown was passed down many people to get to me." He sighed.

"Get away Marshall." Fiona said calmly, trying to get the vampires attention.

"I can't move." He thought. "I can't move!" The words escaped him like a tilde wave, desperate to escape. Fiona shoved Gumball's out of the way and ran to Marshall, letting him know that it was going to be okay.

"Oh no you don't sugar plumb!" Cake yelled, stretching far enough to grab both Fionnna and Marshall and bring them back to a safe distance.

Marshall struggled out the cat's grip and turned to the bubblegum prince. "I want it gone!" He ordered. "I want it destroyed and away from anyone it can hurt." Gumball shook his head. "I can't take orders from you Marshall." He was getting annoyed. "Your very own mother told me to get it ready. If I disobey her I can get dethroned!"

Marshall scowled and turned away, storming out of the dreaded room. Fionna and Cake walked after him, leaving. Gumball to settle down.


"I have to talk to her." Marshall said. "I have to talk to my mum and convince her not to make me king."

"Have you really thought about it?" Cake raised her voice. "I mean who else is there to rule the NightO'Sphere? You have no siblings."

"I don't care." He replied.

"That's just selfish. I mean it's your own world we're talking about!" The feline added. "You know nothing!" Marshall turned to her. "You know absolutely nothing about the underworld. It's evil, and sad and hate and everything nobody wants in one place! Who in their right mind would want to become ruler of a place like that?"

Cake paused. "You're right." She sighed. "I'm sorry Marshall." Then she turned away and made her way back to Gumball.

"She was trying to help." Fiona said. "Well she didn't." He replied.

Silence followed.

"What's the NightO'Sphere actually like?" She mustered the words hesitantly. He took in a deep breath. "Well it's all of the above, I mean no one really has fun there. Not anymore anyway."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean, it used to be a fun place, when I was younger. More than 960 years ago." He replied. "It was still evil, cause otherwise it wouldn't be the underworld. But we made it good, mother and me. We looked at the bright side of stuff and we played games and held fun parties. Not boring Gumball parties, loud, gamey parties, with people I actually liked and knew."

"Then the NO'SP council told mum that she wasn't focusing on her job, and they erased her memory. All that was left was hate, authority and fear." He frowned. "But I guess it would've been different without the council. I mean if it weren't for them I'd be happy to rule."

"But if it weren't for them," Fiona began, "you wouldn't have met me. Would you?"

He smiled and looked at her. "That's the only positive thing about all of this." He chuckled quietly. She smiled and took his hand. "C'mon." She said. "Where are we going?" He laughed surprised. "To my place. I feel like playing BMO band I need a 2nd player. Since Cake seems busy with GP I figured I could play with you."

He paused. "Wait what are you going to do with me?" He smirked.

Fiona blushed and face palmed embarrassingly. "Shush it you!" She stuttered.

He laughed and picked her up before carrying her back to the treehouse in the grasslands. There they played CoOp games, shot duded, saved princesses (cause fionna played as a guy). And got treasure. Yeah, the day had ended a lot better than it had begun.

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