Chapter 1

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First I'm going to start off, my name is Amelia

~16 years old~

• Single (not for long)

Amelia, wake up!! My cousin calls from my bedroom door. Okay! Okay!! I say while rubbing my eyes. I get up take a shower, brush my teeth and than brush out my long dark brown hair.. I put on some high wasted shorts on and a bright pink crop top and some bright pink vans from my shoe rack.

I run downstairs to eat breakfast, I have some chocolate pancakes, " My favorite". Amelia!!! What Lina? I call from the kitchen. Come here, we need to talk. Okay hold on let me finds the last bite of my food.

I go to Lina's room, she is sitting on her bed.. You needed to talk to me? I say standing in the doorway or her room. Yes I do. She says. Come sit down, she pats beside her. I go side down, what's up? I say. My boss called me this morning, he gave me a job offer. That's great Lina!! I say. Yes, but it would mean we would have to move. MOVE?? I said really Loud.! I will let you think about it okay? Said Lina. Okay, I say and run up stairs.

I got to my phone (iPhone 5s) and call my best friend Ally. Hey, Ally I need to talk to you. Sure, what's up? She says. Lina's boss called her this morning and offered her a job. That's great!! Ally said with excitement.! But, I would have to move to Boston Ma. Oh, she says. And it's up to me if we move or not.. You should go!! Ally says. Really? What about you and school and all my friends. I ask her.? Well we will all miss you, mostly me. She says laughing. So I guess I am moving from Tennessee, to Boston Ma, with a little excitement.! Talk to you later Ally. Bye she said. Bye I say back.

I hang up, run down stairs and run into Lina's room.! I guess we are moving to Boston Ma!! I say with excitement.! Lina jumps up and hugs me. Really? She asks. Yep, I say back to her. Okay!!

Better start getting packed. Lina said as I walked out of her room. I run up stairs and start packing everything, and my phone goes off. Ding* I look at my phone and I see that Jeffrey Miller revined my vine of me playing the guitar and humming to the song I play. I started freaking out.!! I sent him a message on vine, thanking him for revining my post. I started packing again.

15 minuets later my phone beeped again. It was a message from Jeffrey, " you are amazing and your welcome.!😉 I sent a message back to him telling him how amazing his voice is, I get a message back right away. Jeffrey- Thank you means a lot!😊

Amelia?! Lina calls from down stairs. What? I say back yelling from my room that is all packed up. Are you all packed? Yep, I say. We leave early on the morning, Lina says yelling back at me so I could here her. Okay

, I said with so much excitement. I couldn't even sleep that night...

It's was 4:30am and I finally fell asleep. Two hours later at 6:30am Lina walked in and pulled the blankets off me. As she said get up it's time to start loading our stuff in the moving truck. Noo.. I just want to sleep with a squeaky tone in my voice.! You can sleep on the way there now get up and help me start loading the boxes and bags. Okay fine!!

We started loading the moving truck. Okay we are finished.! I say with excitement. Me and Lina get into her car and drive away. I fall asleep because I was going to be a long car ride...

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