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December 31st, 1997
The party was in full swing and somebody was shouting out how many minutes there was left until New Year’s Day arrived…meaning if Twiggy wanted to grab that oh-so important kiss at midnight he’d have to move quickly…There! By the window! The girl with her hair whispering about her face…and the sweet smile that graced her lips as she saw him staring at her.

“Ten minutes til midnight!” a voice shouted above the roar of the party and Twiggy began to make his way over to the girl by the window.

Twiggy looked over his shoulder, looking for Marilyn; sighing when he saw him already making out mercilessly with a girl he’d no doubt only just met. He smiled as he reached the young woman standing by the window, his hand going to the back of his neck nervously. “Hi…”

“Hello…” she replied and Twiggy smiled at the German accent that washed over her English.

“I’m Jeordie…Jeordie White.” Twiggy mentally smacked himself for using his real name, but was glad when she shook his offered hand.

“Sandra,” she replied with a small smile, taking back her hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. “Was there something I could do for you?”

“Actually…” Twiggy smiled down at her as he rested his hand on the wall above her head. “I was wondering if you’d found someone for midnight…”

“I am afraid my English may not be so good as yours…” she said, blushing as she looked down; but the way her eyes kept darting back up to him let Twiggy know she understood.

“New Year’s Eve, sweet cheeks…at midnight…” Twiggy paused, smiled seductively down at her. “I’m going to kiss you.”

“Oh, really?” She smiled wickedly up at him and Twiggy smirked.

“Are you saying no?” he asked slyly.

“No…” Sandra replied with a smile that matched his own.

“Six minutes til midnight, ladies and gents! If you’ve found your New Year’s snog, hold them close!” someone shouted out over the crowd again and Twiggy looked back down at Sandra as she chuckled quietly.

“I guess we had better hold on then.” She smirked up at him, her fingers catching the collar of his pea green dress as he leant down further.

“Oh, do lets…” Twiggy smiled with her. “So, Sandra, what’s your New Year’s resolution, then?”

She giggled and he bit his lip to keep from kissing her right then. “That would be telling…” she replied in a sultry voice that made him swallow.

But Twiggy regain his composure as the two minute mark was called across the room. “Then tell me,” he smirked and leant down to murmur into her ear. “What’s your New Year’s resolution?” She smiled and began counting down with the crowd as her hands wound themselves into Twiggy’s hair and he pulled her close, resting his forehead against hers. “C’mon…” he smiled wickedly as people began shouting ‘Happy New Year!’ and he pressed his lips firmly against Sandra’s. “Tell me…”

“To fall in love,” she finally conceded as she pulled him down for another heated kiss. “With a rock star…”
This story is for Sandra {TilskKarishma}, I only hope I do her hero justice <3

The Freak in the Pea Green Dress ~Twiggy Ramirez Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now