Chapter 5 - Records of Nothing

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Chapter 5 – Records of Nothing

Sandra smiled as she and her friends sat in a booth in local club, it was small but nicer than most of the others around…and had the bonus of a live band playing. They were good too…although there seemed to be a bit of tension between the drummer and the lead singer.

A thought occurred to Sandra as she turned to Cara. “Feel like meeting the band after?”

“Yeah, why not?” Cara smiled back at her cheekily before nudging Shannon and telling her the plan for later.

“Yeah…” Shannon nodded, but her tone was sarcastic as she eyed the cocky lead singer. “That’ll be a real hoot.”


Sandra raised an eyebrow at Cara as they paused by the stage door; shouting coming from within shortly before the lead singer wrenched the door open, still shouting over his shoulder as he stormed off towards the bar.

“Like I said…” Shannon raised her eyebrows at the retreating singer. “A hoot…”

“Don’t be too harsh on him…he’s a recluse genius.” A sarcastic voice sighed behind them and they all turned back to see the band’s drummer leaning against the stage door. She extended her hand to the three. “Hi… I’m Carrie… drummer…”

“We gathered as much from the drums you were sat behind on stage.” Cara grinned before gesturing to herself and the others. “I’m Cara, this pretty lass on my right is Sandra, and the oddball on my left is Shannon…we’re in a band too.”

“Don’t have a job opening coming up do you?” Carrie laughed awkwardly. “I’ve just had a fight with our front man and… left…”

“What a stroke of luck!” Cara chuckled.

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…” Shannon smirked and shook her head slightly. “Fanfiction.”

“What?! You guys actually need a drummer?” Carrie asked with wide eyes.

“You want the job?” Sandra asked forwardly, nodding her head to the side briefly in a gesture to the stage. “We’ll call tonight’s gig your audition if you’d like.”

“I… yeah! That’d be…awesome…um… the kit’s all mine if you’d like to raid the equipment with me…” Carrie beamed. “Trailer’s out back…”

“Sweet!” Cara grinned and high-fived Sandra. “New gear.”

Sandra smiled at her friends before winking at Carrie. “Well Carrie…” she smirked as Carrie lead them back stage. “Welcome to Sirens of Sin…”

Shannon looked at Sandra as she dropped an arm about her shoulders. "Real life just got... interesting..."


{Five months later…}

With Carrie’s help and several decent songs under their belts, Sirens of Sin began taking the underground bands scene by storm; their ever-growing fan base calling themselves the band’s ‘Tainted Saints’. As the girls finally relaxed after an epic gig, Cara noticed Sandra and Shannon bent over several pieces of paper…and a guitar.

“I see you started the party without us.” Cara smirked at Sandra as she and Carrie sat down with them, cracking open a few drinks and passing them round. “Whatcha doing?”

“Sandra had a brilliant idea.” Shannon smiled. “To write a song for our fans… but about them… and us.”

“Ah, so,” Cara pointed to the paper in front of the two. “Lyrics?”

“Yeah…but we don’t know who we want to front for it.” Sandra shrugged. “And it’s a work in progress.”

“Well, who wrote what you’ve got?” Carrie asked as Sandra looked at her before pointing at Shannon. “Okay then, Shan,” Carrie gestured to the lyrics. “Give us a listen to the chorus then.”

“Be nice.” Shannon laughed a little before pulling the lyrics closer and looking from them to the guitar strings as she played and sang:

You are our Tainted Saints

We’ll fight for you

Lose those restraints

Our world is filled with words of hate

But our ears are deaf to their complaints

They say we’ll die


But we’ll all live on

We’re Tainted Saints!”

Sandra smiled. “Cool, huh?”

“Meh, rough draft… needs to be better.” Shannon made a face at the lyrics as she put the guitar down again.

“Nah, just needs a little more ‘oomph’.” Cara smirked and held out her hands for the guitar, smiling when Shannon handed it over the table to her. “I think the riffs should go more…” she played a tune that sounded epically rock and roll, beaming when the other three girls cheered.

“You know what?” Sandra asked with a sly smile. “We’ve got this…in the bag!”

“Oh really?” Cara asked with a smile of her own. “You want to tell our dear friends how we know that?”

“Wait, what?!” Carrie and Shannon both asked at the same time.

“Manson! Will you tell them or shall I?” Sandra asked sarcastically, laughing when she heard him grumble. “I know you and Pogo and Jeordie are eves-dropping, so come on out!”

As Manson appeared, Carrie frowned a little. “Why are they here?”

“We’re dating them.” Shannon replied with a shy smile before looking to Manson. “Told you our lives were a Fanfiction. Now, Marilyn…what are they on about?”

He smiled wickedly as he looked at Twiggy beaming at Sandra in a ‘proud as punch’ manner. “You, my dear little ladies,” he chuckled. “Have been signed… to Nothing Records.”

“WHAT?!” Shannon and Carrie screamed at once, making the others all laugh at them.

Sandra grinned as she raised her drink in the air. “We’re due I the studio Monday morning.” She smirked, “Five months and we’re on our way, girls.”

Sandra clinked her drinks with her friends and band mates as they all laughed together happily. “Cheers!”


the next chapter wil be longer, I promise :) <3

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