The beginning of something new

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“Sorry kid it’s not gonna happen” the doctor said looking down at the small orange haired boy whose eyes were starting to water.

“I can’t play volleyball” the boy whimpered

“You can’t do anything that involve excessively heavy exercise, you can do small stuff but having asthma will make it hard for you to do anything more than that” the doctor explained before turning to the boys mother “i’m going to prescribe him an inhaler which he should keep on him incase he has another attack it will have the instructions with it so as long as he follows them he should be fine” the doctor looked back at the kid before walking out.

“Come on Hinata you and natsu can still pass the ball back and forth okay and you can do it with your friends but no competitions okay” his mother said but it was all drowned out in the small boys sorrow.

-----(timeskip to middle school)

“Koji, kOjI, KOJI! Come toss the ball to me” hinata was jumping up and down with enthusiasm as he tried to convince his friend to toss, he had been thinking over the past few years that if he got himself used to the exercise then he could play on a team when he got to highschool, “KOJI”

“Yeah sure but it’s gotta be quick i have practice soon and don’t hurt yourself doing it either” koji replied.

------(time skip to beginning of highschool pretty much when he saw kageyama)


    Hinata was sneaking around the gym area of the school when he heard a loud “thump” coming from one of the gyms. The door was open so he peeked in. It was someone playing volleyball in there. He was serving over the net, practicing.

    “Oi! What are you doing over there!” the boy yelled at Hinata while pointing at him, Hinata was startled

    “Um I am Hinata shoyo, i heard a noise and i saw you playing so i started to watch you.” Hinata said slowly.   

    “What are you kids doing in here” both of them looked behind Hinata and found a bald second year looking down on them with 2 other people behind him.

    “I was watching”

    “I was practicing”

    “Is this the volleyball team” Hinata asked, his eyes sparkling.

    “Yeah so what if it is” the baldy said looking down his nose at the kid

    “I wanna join please please please” he was jumping up and down. “My old school didn’t have a team but i practiced so i can do somethings, MY FavOritE is spiking” Hinata stopped jumping as he realized he was going super high and freaking out the others. “Sorry” he mumbled.

“Ohohoho” the baldie said. “I am tanaka, call me senpai”

“SENPAI!” Hinata yelled

“You may join the team, right daichi” tanaka said looking back at one of the people behind him.

“As long as it’s what he wants sure, his jumping skills seem to be top notch” diachi said. Kageyama was just watching the conversation with his face blank and his neck swiveling as different people talked.

“Oi i wanna join too” he yelled “it’s the only reason i came to this school”

Daichi left the main part of the gym and returned with club entrance forms. “Here you go” he said handing one to each of them “just write the club you want to join, your name, class, and age” he explained pointing to where the information would go.

“We are having a three on three match on saturday and we can put you guys on a team with tanaka against our other two first years and daichi” a boy with silver hair said. “Im suga by the way”

    “Oi shrimpy” the black haired mail yelled pointing at Hinata

    “Shrimpy” Hinata whispered, he wasn’t sure he liked this nickname

    “My names kageyama and i’m going to be the setter! You hear that, So don’t get in my way and do what i tell you too” kageyama barked.

    “But why” whispered Hinata not understanding why this boy wanted to be in charge or why he wanted to be setter so badly.

    “WHat did you just say!” kageyama yelled, just before daichi threw them out.

    “New plan you win the 3 on 3 or you can’t join the team, work better together” diachi said before suga crept in and slowly slid the door closed.

    “WHAT why do I have to work with him! He’s bossy and mean” hinata yelled at the door.

    “BOKE what gives you the right to call me mean, we have to win this three on three so i can be the setter on this team”

    “Why do you want to be the setter so bad?” hinata asked.

    “It’s the coolest position, they control all of the movements, they boost the morale and the are the most skilled person on the court with all of the control-”

    “WELL I WANNA BE THE ACE its got the spotlight and it makes all the points its the coolest”

    “The ace couldn’t make the points without the setter, that means the setter is most important” the two started grinding their heads together until daichi slammed open the door and yelled:

    “GO HOME!” they fell over and strutted away from the building before Hinata pulled a volleyball out of his backpack and suggested they practice receiving.

----(timeskip to the practice game)

“Use your fastest run and your highest jump and i will get the ball to you, avoid the blockers and just spike the ball using every bit of your athletic ability” kageyama said to hinata after hearing suga say something similar.

Hinata stood at the back of the court as the ball was served and then he did exactly as he was told pushing his lungs to their limit and running and jumping, squeezing his eyes closed so as not to distract himself and then slamming his arm forward. He felt the ball hit his hand and move forward propelling the ball and he finally opened his eyes, looking over the net and he started smiling. He never thought he would be able to do this. He landed back on the ground and started jumping freaking out and staring at his hand. Then daichi mentioned that he had his eyes closed and it caused a ruckus surprising Hinata.

“OI BOKE, why did you have your eyes closed!” kageyama yelled at him making him flinch. His lungs hurt a little bit and he coughed once or twice but then said:

“You told me not to look at the ball so I didn’t.” the boy replied.

It was the beginning of something new.

A.n. hello there i found a prompt like thing for this on Pinterest and thought it would be cool, I also ignored my entire history class planning it out which got me a lecture from my friend but here's the first part. I hope you like it!

Soaring beyond his limits-asthmatic hinata storyWhere stories live. Discover now