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Why won't you just leave me alone.
Leave me to my misery.
Why won't you just leave me alone.
And don't think you can rescue me.

It's your damn fault that I'm this way.
But you don't have a clue.
What goes on inside my head
The demons that rip me to shreds

Behind closed doors, I lay in bed.
Shedding silent tears of red
Choking on the air I breath
I struggle to find any sleep

I want to get away from it
I want to end it all
How else do you get rid of all the voices in your head

Screaming you're not good enough and never ever will
You're useless and pathetic and you bottle up your fears

Why do I have to care so much?
What even is the point?
Does life hold any joy for me?
Or only pain and agony

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