Changed minds & First Times

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A/N: I would've posted earlier but I was an idiot and kept mixing up the Update and Publish button 😂 Also, my birthday has officially come and gone 🐢 Here's the next one and please message me suggestions or anything, I always need ideas. Thanks! Here it is...

The day went by quickly without anymore major problems and Audrey went home so the senior class was spared a day.

I had two more classes with Percy and I started to realize what he had warned me about. He was popular. This meant that guys would come up and attempt to talk to him which only annoyed Percy seeing as it was mostly about the top ten hottest girls in the school and football (which by the way, Percy was horrid at). He ignored most of them.

What really set me on ends were the ungodly amount of girls approaching him to drool over his arms and bat their freakishly long eyelashes at him. I got so mad at one girl that I "accidentally" spilled my lunch all over her new Marc Jacobs shoes. She evaded in less than 5 seconds and I couldn't say I wasn't a little pleased.


Finally reaching my locker after eighth period, I quickly put away my bags trying to think of a way to tell my dad I got in a girl fight. It was kind of a first time thing.

I walked to the front office, prepared for an hour of detention, and pushed the doors open... Right into Mr. Kleiman.

"Oh my gods, I'm so sorry!"

"Yeah, yeah," he mumbled, eyes glazed over. He kept walking, "See you tomorrow."

"Uh, where should I go for detention?" I asked awkwardly.

"Oh," He looked confused, "Nowhere. Go home, I've changed my mind."

What? "Are you sure?" Great, now I'm begging to be in trouble.

"Yes!" He sighed, exasperated, "Just go before I change my mind again."

I stared at him in confused silence.

My English teacher walked in, "Excuse me."

I snapped out of it, "Oh, yeah. Okay, I'm sorry. I guess I'll be going then." I sidestepped and continued down the hall.

What just happened?


On my way out, I stopped for coffee. After taking twenty minutes, studying a roadmap, I had every coffee shop location memorized in the state of New York.

Finally arriving at a nearby Starbucks (there seem to be plenty around) I opened the door and the sickly sweet scent brush my face along with it much-needed air-conditioning. My spirits lift at the smell.

Finally able to get a good look inside, I saw the already bustling line growing.

I exhaled a breath of annoyance and heard a deep laugh sound beside me, "This is their slowest time of day, you should see Friday afternoons."

I looked up at a warm face covered with dimples and deep brown curls covering his hazel eyes.

I tried to think of something to say but came up with nothing.

"Reef Kleiman," He held out his hand and offered a smile, "I thought I saw you today at school."

"Annabeth Chase," I said, finally finding words to say, "So you're the principals son?" He gave me a look, "Sorry, that's obvious." I blushed.

"No, it's fine. I get that a lot." We moved up a step in line, "Your new then? I haven't seen you before today."

I nodded my confirmation and we stood in an awkward silence.

"Sorry, I'm not that great at small talk, usually I'm the one to go up to a stranger at Starbucks and interrogate them," I joked.

He grinned, "What kind of interrogating?"

My breath caught. Like what? Monsters is what, not that I could say that...

I tried for a joke, "Monsters under children's beds, lockness monster sighting, big foot on the loose. The usual."

He smirked, "Okay, okay. I see how it is, but one day I'm going to get real answers from you, I swear to it," Reef stated dramatically, then paused, "But until then, I'd say we are past 1st name basis, friends?"

I flashed a smile, "I guess I don't see the harm in it, why not?"

"Oh, Annabeth, someday you will." He said sarcastically.

"Sounds dangerous!" I threw over my shoulder as I stepped to the counter and leaned hard against the cold surface.

That was a first.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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