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I just want to hold you tight in my arms,feel your heart beating.
I want to walk with you in a rain.
I want to watch sunset at the beach with you.
I want to lay on the ground with you and count the endless stars.
Your eyes..they are the most beautiful in the world.
Your smile..it could rise any dead flower..

Dear heart,from all the people in the world why did you have to choose her!?

I told you what to do if you want to forget a person and now I can't do it myself.I'm too weak I guess.

If you love her,let her go.Even if it's the hardest thing in the world I have to do it.

I had the best time in my life speaking to you.It was just like a dream.I hope the best for you.Find someone who loves you as much as I do.

Well it's time to leave now..Goodbye..

The end.

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