Jack Frost

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Disclaimer: I'll keep it short, not mine, go check out the artist, thanks. (GODDAMN IT IT'S STILL NOT WORKING ON WATTPAD. I'M SORRY WATTPAD FOLKS I THINKIT'S JUST MY WIFI. HERE'S YOUR LINK) https://bev-nap.deviantart.com/art/Dark-Jack-Frost-582306476 

Warning: Violence and suicidal ideas in this bad boy, maybe some hinted at smut but don't count on it. Like grim and horror-like, you'd be surprised at how dark you can get with an animated teenage boy (technically an adult in this ig) of ice and snow. Also, there's going to be some Ouija usage in this, so I thought I'd say that while Ouija boards aren't inherently evil (seriously, they aren't. It's actually a really interesting history lesson if you ever take the time to learn the origins), don't use them guys. It's not safe when you don't know what you're doing. This story is a great example of the worst possible thing that can happen with these suckers. Unless you don't believe in spirits or spirit boards, then you can ignore this. Don't say I didn't warn you though. Thank you, this has been another PSA.

Note: Hey folks, I'm trying to be efficient and see how fast I can catch up on my writing. Henceforth why I'm writing both this shot and the previous one (for you guys) at the same time. You folks won't notice because they won't be released at the same time, but I will. That's why I'm trying to go through this pretty fast. I want to be ahead so I can relax for a little bit (I won't but I can dream) Anywho, let's get right into this. Also, enjoy the huge section of italics. I'd say I'm sorry but I think you folks will live.

The crisp cool air bit against your uncovered face, not that you truly minded. In fact, you rather enjoyed the sensation as you walked across the quiet campus. You were one of the few students that didn't plan on leaving for break, so the wind was like a comfort to you as you traveled back to your likely bustling dorm. An old friend to talk to when there would eventually be no one left to talk. Not that you were actually talking to the wind, that would have been strange, but it was the basic idea that is was there if you needed to. Which was more than you could say of your other, 'friends'. And that was sad really.

It was yet again another time where you had agreed to meet up and chat over coffee, exchange finals notes, and in general finish up goodbyes. And yet again they only stuck around for you to give them copies of your notes before rushing off with excuses of needing to be someplace else. It hurt, it really did. You had been nothing but kind to these people but all they wished to do was use you for your skills and never pay for them. You were sick of it. Once they got back from break you were cutting ties for good. You were growing tired of being treated as a resource.

The more you thought about it the more you fumed. You were practically a ball of fire when you finally did get out of the cold and into the chaos that was the dorms. People rushed left and right, packing and giving well wishes to friends. It was a happy atmosphere, one you had hoped to be apart of, though were never given the chance.

It was to say the least surprising when you opened the door to your room to find many of your friends crowded in. Until you realized that they weren't there for you, but instead your roommate, Laura. Laura was the social butterfly of the group and the one that had introduced you to the rest. She was also the only one that treated you like a friend rather than a servant.

"Y/N! You're back!" The shorter girl waved you over to her corner, "Kira and Heather said they saw you at the cafe, but didn't know when you'd get here."

You eyed the girls in question and shrugged, "Well I did plan on staying for longer than I did, but they said they didn't have time. Had places to be."

Confusion passed onto Laura's features, "Well that doesn't make sense, the only place they've been is here."

It had never really clicked with Laura that the rest of the friend group didn't exactly like you. Mostly because you didn't want to start trouble. Like right now.

Dying Days: Yandere x Reader One Shots #Requests: CLOSED#Where stories live. Discover now