Harry Hart

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I forgot to publish this chapter over here, whoops. Sorry my dudes, here it is now.

Warning: Kingsman does have some pretty gruesome scenes in it (I mean the church sequence god damn that was brutal) but I'm doubting the violence will get that far, language (as you probably guessed), and some slight mentions of sex. This one is pretty tame compared to last time.

Note: My explanation for what's been happening is at the end so go read that once you're through with this. Alrighty, so I couldn't pirate Kingsman, unfortunately, BUT I did look through the wiki articles for Mr. Hart up there so I'm up to date on what I should need to know for this. Plus I watched some stuff on YouTube, because why not. Sorta goes against canon in some aspects, but nothing overly noticeable if you haven't watched Kingsman (like meee). I had to change some stuff to fit with the story though cut me some slack. It's not my best, which I apologize for, but I promise I tried. Okey dokey, see you guys at the end.

~Requested By: Darkerblank~

"Oh for christ's sake I was in the back for five goddamn minutes!"

As the door swings shut behind you, you survey the mess that has become your bar. Glasses shattered, tables overturned. There's bodies on the floor. Hopefully still alive, you didn't need the authorities in here, again. You don't understand how so much chaos could have happened in the time it took you to go in the back and grab a bottle of scotch.

The crunch of glass by the exit alerts you. You turn and see one of the men you had served earlier walking out the door. You call after to him but he either ignores you or doesn't hear you. Considering he's one of the only people still conscious, you have a feeling he was ignoring you. Meaning he was probably the bastard who fucked up your place.

You look over to the other person not crumpled on the floor. Some punk sitting in a booth. Granted there's shock on his face, but he likely also had something to do with it.

You point at him, "You! Did you make a mess of me bar? I'll kick your ass you little menace!"

Immediately he shakes his head, "It wasn't me ma'am I swear! It was all him," he puts his hands up, nodding towards the door, "Honest!"

You narrow your eyes, he sounded legitimate with his statement. But who knew with kids these days. You would have to believe him for now, you needed to nab that other jerk before he got away.

"Stay here. If I come back and you aren't anywhere to be seen I will hunt you down and make sure that you-"

"I get it, I get it. I won't go anywhere. I promise."

You throw on your coat, you were going to get that man, you couldn't sit idly by. Even if it was the last thing you ever did you were bringing him in. No one fucked with your bar, your pride and joy, your home. You inherited it from your father, you weren't going to let it be destroyed like this.

You burst out the door, locking it behind you just to be extra sure the kid and the others inside didn't go anywhere. If this ended how you wanted they'd all be going to jail. Served them right anyhow.

You searched around wildly for the man, what did he look like again? Tall, glasses, definitely wearing a suit. It would be a lie to say that you hadn't been paying attention. He was attractive; charming, that was the word. Incredibly charming. He'd been there before on more than one occasion but you'd never caught his name. Much less had a more than one minute conversation.

You spotted him walking to the street corner, not a care in the world it seemed. You rushed in that direction. Luckily the area wasn't busy at that time of day, you were able to catch up to in little to no time. Although it took a lot out of you, you were getting up there in age weren't you?

Dying Days: Yandere x Reader One Shots #Requests: CLOSED#Where stories live. Discover now