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Toni’s pov

I heard a knock at my door. I opened it to find Jughead standing
outside he smiled and came in. He said as he took his sweat shirt off
showing his S grey tee shirt. “Nothing much just scrolling on instagram
on my phone” I walked over to my Nicki Minaj pink beats speaker and
hooked my phone to the
bluetooth to the speaker and
Started playing Chun-Li. I
sang along to the words
“Looks like i'm going for a
swim” I skipped a line to look
at jughead and then I kept
singing “Gang Gang I got the hammer and the wrench.” I sang along and
then when my favorite part came up I turned the volume up “THEY
chun-li chun-li” Jughead smiled as I said that. He then got up and tried
to kiss me I pushed him back and said “I’m sorry Jug,I don’t cheat
anymore” He had a sad impression on his face and whispered
something that I couldn’t hear. I gave him a hug and said “We should go
to pop’s” he smiled ,and we left. We walked through the door and I saw
a blonde chick sitting inside alone from the back she looked kinda up
tight and that pony tail doe.

Juggy’s P.o.v

I had my arm around Toni’s shoulders and I opened the door for her
and she walked in. I looked over to the right of me and saw Betty and I thought to myself OH SHITS gonna go down… I looked over a Toni and
she grabbed my hand and sat in the booth next to Betty’s, and she
looked over. “Jughead, who’s this?” “Who are you exactly is my
question??” “uhh Toni, this is my… girlfriend Betty. And Betty this is T”
“I know exactly who this is” Betty said with a glare at Toni. Toni jumped
over me and stood up. “What is that ponytail too uptight for you” “Wow
your those big words go over your head don't they” I looked as Tony
walked over to Betty and sat over in her booth. I decided to go to the
bathroom while all of this happened…

Betty’s P.O.V

I saw Jughead get up from his seat, and I stood up and walked over to
the other booth to move away, but before I could I felt Toni grab my
shoulders and knee the back of my legs. I fell to the ground and Toni
turned me around, I tried to free myself but before I could she hit me in
the face I tried to get free again and I managed to turn her over for a
few seconds so I took the advantage to elbow her hard in the back, then
she hit again and I tried to back but before I could I heard the bell from
the door open and someone walked in. He looked like he was from the
Southside. Toni tried to hit again but then the guy walked closer and
pulled her off he said “Toni what the hell is happening in here? Why are
you fighting someone who isn’t even one of us?? Who is she??” I
grabbed my face in pain and I saw Jughead walk out, he ran over and
said “What happened while I was gone? Sweetpea why are you here?” I
thought Sweetpea?? Who’s that? But then I realised it was the person
who pulled Toni off. He had long black hair and was wearing a glove on
his right hand. He had a serpent jacket on with black boots and some
dark blue jeans. He looked like a miniature version of FP, (Jugheads
dad) “She's a B sweet pea” Toni said and the sweet pea guy looked at
her amused and said “Toni just because you get easily offended doesn't
mean you start a fight with someone that hasn't hurt you” “I DONT GET
WHY YOU WOULD EVEN CARE ABOUT IT YOU JUST WANT TO GET IN EVERYONE'S PA..” Sweet pea interrupted her sentence by yelling “TONI
ESPECIALLY SINCE I TOOK YOU IN” Toni looked hurt she got out of his
arms and punched him in the stomach and was about to run off until I
decided to grab her to calm her down. That wasn't a good idea because
she just turned around and Punched me in the face I fell back and came
back at her i grabbed her hair ad threw her to the bar table Toni kicked
me in the back of the knee.I then fell back and as I fell I tripped Toni.
We both landed on the floor I landed on my butt and Toni landed on
her face. I saw as Toni shot up quickly and she climbed on top of me
and started hitting me I screamed “BITCH GET OFF OF ME WHAT IS
WRONG WITH YOU” I felt the weight come off of me I heard Toni
screaming “LET ME GO” I got up and saw both guys holding Toni back.
Sweet pea let go and Jughead dragged Toni out of pops. I went outside
with Sweet pea following me I saw him get his motorcycle out.
Sweetpea turned to me and said “Sorry about her, she gets very
territorial and jealous.” I replied “It’s ok, she hit me pretty hard though,
but I did manage to hit her back some…” I half laughed and smiled, “I’m
Betty by the way, and I think you’re… Sweet Pea?..” he nodded and said
“Yup, that’s me. I’m from the Southside but I come to Pops sometimes.
Toni’s like my little sister. But she can be a handful sometimes. I’m
really sorry she hit you. Do you have a thing for Jughead?” “He’s actually
my boyfriend, but I don’t think he’s going to be after this.” “I’m sorry to
hear that, want to get some food with me? We can talk about it if you
want.” Now I knew why Toni loved him as a brother, he cared about
others feelings. I liked it. I liked him, obviously not like a crush , but he
was fun to talk to. We talked for awhile, and he even offered to pay for
our meal, I obviously wouldn’t let him, so we agreed to split the check,
but he insisted if there was ever another time we saw each other, he
was paying. I laughed when he said that. He was actually really funny.
Before I left he got me an ice packs to put on my face and the other
areas Toni hit me. I felt like I was going to have bruises. I left and got
into my car. I drove home and decided to call Veronica to tell her what happened. As soon as I pulled into the driveway, I opened the white
latched door to our front, and I went up the two concrete gray steps. I
shut the door quietly behind me with my right hand, and in my left I
held the white cold ice-packs. I groaned and walked into the kitchen, I
set the ice packs into the sink and got a glass of water. I picked up my
purse, and unbuckled the latch, and grabbed my phone out of it. I
dialed Veronica’s number and it rang a few times before she picked up.
She answered and said “Hey Betty, what’s up?” I said “Can you come
over in like 5 minutes please, it’s an emergency sort-of and I’m pissd off
at Jughead.” “Ah I see, boy problems?” “& girl problems too.” “Wait, I
thought you were straight-” “Oh god, NO! Veronica not those types of
girl problems!!” I laughed.
“Either way I’ll always support you” she joked “I’ll be there in 10

Ten minutes later

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