Part 1

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My phone rang.

I picked it up. It was her.

Me: "hello"

She: "congrats!"

(she said it very slowly and sadly)

Me: "thanks! But why?"

She said "oh! You don't know? Don't act so smart, okay."

(looks like she was about to cry. And trying to control herself)

Me: "how the hell should I know? You are calling me after 7 or 8 months and expecting me to understand your sarcasm, huh?"

(I was feeling bad for her that she is paining her heart and do not trying to clear her misunderstanding, so it's coming out in anger)

She: "oh I am sorry if I troubled you. If you don't wanna talk to me then why did you picked up my call? Anyway, I won't trouble you anymore. I just called you to congrats for your future wife. Nice choice. That's all. Goodbye"

She said and hung up. I could feel her tears running down slowly by her cheeks. I know that she had started crying. And the reason of her tears was me. And I didn't want to be the reason of someone's tears and specially her's. I wanted to clear her misunderstanding.

The worst thing for me is knowing that she is crying, and I am not doing anything. Although she is not my girlfriend anymore, still I don't hate her. I couldn't see her cry.

So, I called her back.

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