Alternate Universe Theory

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AN: This is just a crazy, mass-crossover that I've been wanting to do for awhile now. It's a bit messy and plotless, but that's ok. In essence, it takes four fantasy libraries of various fandoms that I'm in and links them all up so characters from those four fandoms can meet. Chaos ensues. Now, I understand there are a lot more magical libraries out there, but I stuck with four because four was hard enough. They are, in order of appearance, Wicked, Harry Potter, Carmilla, and Devil's Carnival 2: Alleluia. Enjoy this fever-dream of a fanfic!

"Elphie?!" Glinda singsonged, leaning over to rest her gold curls upon her roommate's black-clad shoulder. She received no reply. "Elphie?" she repeated, still no reply. This little, one-sided exchange carried on four more times before Elphaba finally responded. "Elphie?!"

"What, Glinda?! What is it?" Glinda's roommate demanded, finally snapping in irritation. It had been her plan to come to the Shiz Master Library alone and study in peace and quiet, but of course Glinda just had to tag along despite her general loathing of all things bookish. Elphaba had been unable to deny the petite blond, however, and allowed Glinda to come along. Scarcely five minutes in, and Glinda was already complaining.

"I'm positutely bored to death!" Glinda replied dramatically.

"I told you not to come," Elphaba reminded crossly.

"Oh, but Elphie! You know I simply had to come along with you!" the blond countered, donning a sickeningly sweet smile. Her bright blue eyes widened into a puppyish expression and Elphaba exhaled heavily. She finally set her book down.

"Look, Glinda, I don't intend upon leaving this spot until after I'm done studying. If you want to hang out then, I'd be more than happy to, but for now, I'm not moving an inch. I'm trying to study. Do you understand?" her voice was soft and low, as always, but there was a note of severity in it that Glinda usually never heard. It stung her a bit now, but she conceded and agreed to Elphaba's terms.

"Fine," she grunted. She removed herself from Elphaba's arm.

"Thank you," Elphaba replied calmly, the sourness leaving her voice again. She turned back to her textbook without another word. Glinda grunted quietly in response, but Elphaba ignored it.

Glinda managed to survive another five minutes before she repeated her soft grunts, whines and complaints.

"Enough, Glinda!" Elphaba hissed, voice even sharper than the first time she had to rebuke her roommate. "If you really want something to do, why don't you just go explore the library? I know you don't read, but surely there must be something you can at least look at instead of bothering me! I'm trying to study!" the green girl glared at Glinda. Glinda glared back, unused to being treated so rudely, but when Elphaba's Formica-brown eyes, gold flecks swirling within, refused to yield, Glinda's own soft blue eyes looked away. A kind of sadness settled across her pale, pretty face.

"Ok, Elphie, I'm sorry," she said. Elphaba eyed her suspiciously, unused to her surrendering so quickly, but when Glinda did begin to stand in preparation to go exploring, Elphaba's face softened once more. She couldn't stay mad at that bubbly little blond who had changed her life for the better, no matter how many times that blond frustrated or annoyed her.

"Why don't you go over into the fantasy or adventure section, ok?" Elphaba suggested gently, pointing a green thumb in the right direction.

"Ok, Elphie," Glinda replied, heading in the direction. "I'll see you later."

"See you," Elphaba replied softly. Despite the studying Elphaba had to do, she found herself staring after Glinda as she moved away.

Glinda, meanwhile, had her blue eyes set forward, skimming the rows and rows of shelves idly. Nothing really interested her. She was just going through the motions because it would please Elphaba. They may have only just become friends roughly a month ago, but Glinda was certain that Elphaba meant so much more to her than just that and that their lives would be far more intertwined than simple college friendship.

Alternate Universe TheoryWhere stories live. Discover now