Chapter 1- the quarterback is in my bathroom

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**Steven Davis played my River Viiperi

I was on the couch with my pajamas which had cartoon turtles all over them and my tinker bell blanket wrapped around my arms with a bag of peanut butter M&Ms,when I heard a knock on the door. I grunted and got up to open the door.


Standing there was Steven Davis the star quarterback at North View High School. He was wearing crinkled jeans that sat low on his hips to show his perfectly marked v-lines and wore nothing else exposing his tan lean yet muscular body. His eyes were as green as they can get and his hair sat messy on top of his head. I stood there in shock with my mouth open but not being able to say a thing as he continued to laugh. Only a few seconds later a blonde came out from behind him only wearing a T-Shirt that barley covered up all the important stuff

so that's where is shirt went

I thought to myself .

This was Katie Rodgers the head cheerleader which me and my best friend Ericka joke about that the only reason she is head cheerleader is because of all the head she gives, if you know what I mean.

"What are you guys doing here?" I finally say as I realize this is not some sort of nightmare.

"We need to use the bathroom" Steven say as he pushes the door wider and walking into my house with Katie and finding his way to the bathroom and shutting the door behind them leaving the living room quiet and me in utter shock standing in the middle of the hallway.

What a dick did I say 'come in' cause I don't remember those words ever leaving my mouth. Who does he think he is just walking into my house acting like he owns the place. Oh god they better not be having sex in my bathroom, what they didn't have enough in the back seat of his car. Shit I'm going to be the laughing stock of the whole school tomorrow. good or bad i hate attention which is why I usually stay quiet at school and yes I only have one friend but I much rather have one real friend then a bunch of fake ones that's my motto.

I tried to keep watching Pretty Little Liars but the thought of Steven Davis himself being in MY bathroom wouldn't leave my mind. At the same time i was pretty disgusted because he was in there with Katie Rodgers and god knows what they are doing in there.

I don't understand how a girl can be with a guy like Steven knowing how he is well they aren't actually together they more just like fuck buddies. Well its clear she has absolutely no respect for herself at all she just likes the attention she gets from him.

I ran to the coffee table to get my phone and call Ericka about who is in my bathroom right now when i stepped on the edge of my blanket and went flying forwards towards the hardwood floor making a loud bang noise. As soon as my body hit the floor i heard a deep sarcastic voice behind me.

" hahaha if you want me to spend the night why don't you just ask you don't have to keep trying to make me laugh to have me stay" I turned around to see that the voice belonged to Steven Davis as he was walking out of the bathroom with the biggest smirk on his face.

"Shut up Steven" Katie said in the most annoying baby voice from behind as she gave me looks that could kill while a sat there on the floor looking like an idiot on floor to embarrassed to say anything to his disgusting rude comment.

I watched as they so simply walk out of my house and Steven turning to me one last time and winking at me and flinging his arms around Katie's waist and moving his hand to her ass as she chuckled showing that she enjoyed it. I sat there on the floor for about 2 minutes trying to absorb everything that just happened before my eyes.

I got up from the cold floor and reached for my cell phone and dialed Ericka's number. no answer, she probably sleeping or doing her summer reading still she's a nerd like that but i shouldn't talk I managed to get all my summer reading done in July so in all reality I'm the bigger nerd here.

I put my phone on the charger and went to bed since it was already 11:30 and the first day of senior year is tomorrow. Although I could not sleep thinking about everything that had just happened just ten minutes ago, why me I could only imagine what everyone is going to say to me when I get to school tomorrow he will surely tell everyone about my pajamas and my lovely trip i had straight to the hard floor and how I sat there like a retard.

I woke up to my alarm clock at 6am and wished I could sleep longer but still swung my legs over my bed with a loud tired grunt and slipping on my bunny slippers and grabbing my towel from the hook behind my door and jumping in my shower. 20 minutes later I was back in my room with my towel wrapped around me and standing at my closet trying to figure out what to wear. I would have picked out what to wear yesterday night but my mind was up in the clouds due to everything that happened.

I pulled out light wash skinny jeans and a white v neck shirt and my new black converse at the foot of my bed. I took one last look at it and put it on. I went to my mirror and put on my make up, I liked to keep it simple so mascara and concealer was all that I put on. I quickly put my long brown hair up in a high pony tail and took one last look in the mirror. I quickly grabbed my bag and phone realizing it was already 7:20 and I haven't eaten any breakfast yet. I ran down stair and sat at the dinner table where my mom had already set my plate of chocolate chip waffles and a glass of cold milk.

"Good morning sweetie" my dad said smiling at me as he took the hot cup of coffee from my mom's hands and taking a small sip and realizing it was much too hot to start drinking and setting it down on the kitchen table. He was in a suit and tie which I was guessing he probably had a meeting with a client or something. My mom was dressed i her favorite scrubs, tweety bird and she her hair up in a tight bun that reminded me of ballerinas.

"You better hurry or you're going to be late for your first day of school" my mom said snapping me out of my daze. I took one last gulp of milk and headed towards the door grabbing my keys from the small table in the hallway.

I walked towards my brand new 2014 Jetta which if I might add i bought myself. My dad offered to buy me a BMW being that he's a lawyer he has that kind of money but I wanted to buy it with my own money and I managed to do it.

I quickly got inside and turned it on and smoothly drove out of the driveway which made me smile. I got to the student parking lot as soon as the five minute bell rang and picked a spot near the gate.

I got out of the car feeling uneasy; you know that feeling when you can sense someone is staring straight at you. I turn to the car across from me only to catch Steven Davis leaning on the side of his Camero looking at me up and down with a smirk on his face the same one he wore when he laughed at my pajamas last night. Just my luck I thought as I tried to pretend I didn't just catch him looking at me as a grabbed my bag and headed for my first class.

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