Chapter 2 - wait who's moving in?

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**Isabella Martinez played by Minka Kelly **

I pulled out my schedule from my bag to check my first two classes I had. First I had AP English and then American Government. I quickly walked towards room 212 and took a seat in the 4th row since I didn't want to look to eager. A few more students walked in and just as the late bell was about to ring Carter Smith walked in. I tried to cover myself up with my hands and sink down in my seat, so he wouldn't notice me and sit in the empty seat next to me.

You see Carter is my ex-boyfriend we were dating since freshman year until just about a month ago when i caught him hooking up with none other than Katie Rodgers. I had invited him over so we can do our summer reading together since we were both taking AP English but he said he had to babysit. So being a good girlfriend I decided to surprise him and bring him cupcakes the next day. When I got to his house the front door was open and I called his name but didn't receive an answer so I just walk in and went upstairs to his room. As soon as I opened his bedroom door I wished I hadn't it there they were having sex on his bed. I ran out of his house trying to hold back my tears as he tried to chase after me. He tried calling and texting all summer but i refused to answer.

"Hey how have you been Bella?" Carter says as he sits in the seat next to me. Trying to get a look at my face that was now as red as a cherry tomato.

"I'm...Um good" I said like a fool. The truth was I still had major feeling for him how wouldn't I we were together for almost 4 years. Regardless if I had feelings for him, getting back together with him is not a choice. I told myself I would never get back with a guy who cheated on me. I didn't want to be like those other girls who have no respect for themselves and easily give in.

Luckily I got through the period without saying another word to Carter. So I headed to my locker to put my English book that we just got away. And then there goes that feeling again of feeling watch but this time I sensed it was more than one person which made me even more nervous to turn and see who the eyes belonged to.

I turn to my right to see once again Steven and his friends looking straight at me or what Ericka and I like to call the three headed monster. Steven was in the middle Aaron Baxter on his right and Cole Edwards on his left. Just as I thought it couldn't get any worse Steven pointed a finger at me and started to chuckle and minions did the same. Aaron was the shortest, still quite tall but shortest from the 3 of them, he had black spiked hair and dark brown eyes. Cole had dirty blonde hair that swooped to the side and had eyes as blue and deep as the ocean.

After realizing that if I don't hurry I would be late to class a shut my locker door and walk past the guys feeling their eyes following me down the hall. I got to class early when I realized there were only 3 people there. I pick a spot towards the middle of the classroom. And set my bag on the table. Few minutes later I heard 3 all too familiar laughs walking towards the room. And just my luck Steven, Aaron, and Cole walk through the door as soon as the bell rings and looking around the room for empty seats he spots me and smirks. I look next to me ,two empty seats and one empty seat behind me. I instantly get a nervous pit in my stomach and turn beet red.

"You know you should stop following me unless you want me to press charges princess" Steven says in the most sarcastic tone even for him as he takes the seat behind me.

"I'm not following you if anything you're following me showing up at my house, what was that all about I say swing my head around only to see that he was once again smirking.

"ha ha baby girl you know you loved seeing me without a shirt late at night, now tell me how was the dream you had of me?" he said as Aaron busted out in laughter and Cole gave out a small chuckle but quickly drew his attention back onto me as he was waiting for me to say something back.

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