The White Tongue

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The white tongue

Like an arrow, a spear, shot on the oppressed

No physical weapons or coercion needed

This by far, is worse than military domination

This is the white tongue

Slithering into the crevices of diversity

And bleaching it with its venom

This is the white tongue

That drives forth oppression not with guns

But with intellectual domination

With the heritage of white supremacy

Giving it wings, giving it fire

To burn the tongue of others

Refuse it permission to speak

Refuse it permission to bend,

And twist and click

In any other way than English

This is the white tongue

That appears to be a friend, a comrade, a lover

But when the heart softens

It sprays its black venom

Dipping its fangs into the flesh of variation

Yanking diversity back to conformity

The people of colour

Glistening like sandstones on the beach

Cling to the earth in fear

Preferring awe and admiration

Preferring submission to rebellion

To sprouting defiantly from the bleached earth

And branching out its colours proudly and fiercely

So dip your hands in colour

NO, plunge yourself in it

Breathe it into your skin, your flesh, your bones

And stand out, NO, explode with colour!

The way you were always meant too

Beautifully, gracefully and powerfully.

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