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Finally, Sophia Adoria Tennon clocks 5 today and she will be having a home party; A princess-themed party. It was hard for Sophia to fall asleep yesterday night as she was so excited for today.

Gabby moved in with Terrence and Sophie two weeks after he asked her to move in with them. They now live together as a loving family connected by hearts. Sophie was now so fond of Gabby that Terrence sometimes gets jealous of Gabby getting all the attention he used to. But Terrence was over the moon. His girls were his life; nothing could be more fulfilling than having those you love most staying with you.

"Morning my love," Terrence kissed Gabby on her forehead.

"Morning," She replied, kissing him on the cheek.

"Shouldn't we go wake up the birthday girl now?" She asked.

"Sure. Let's do that." Terrence encouraged, helping her out of bed. They left their room for Sophie's room.

Little Sophie was sleeping soundly, cuddling with her pink teddy bear.

Gabby took a seat on her bed and started showering her face with kisses. "Wake up Sophie," Gabby said in between kisses.

"No. I want to sleep." Sophie replied as she snuggled closer to her teddy bear.

"But it's your birthday," Gabby said.

Sophie opened her eyes immediately.

"It's my birthday" She whispered, rubbing her eyes with the back of her little palm.

"Yes, Happy Birthday, my love" Terrence said as he lifted her from the bed into his arms.

"Thank you, Daddy," She replied.

"Happy Birthday, Sophie," Gabby said as she stood up and kissed her on her forehead.

"Thank you, Gabby." Sophie grinned.

"I'm 5 today." She suddenly remembered.

"Yes, sweetheart. You are growing up so fast." Gabby said as she playfully squeezed Sophie's nose which made her laugh.

"So how do you feel, Sophie? Do you feel a year older, do you feel taller?" Gabby asked.

"Hmmm, I don't know," Sophie shrugged. "I just feel happy because I have You and my Daddy" Sophie said with a charming smile.

Gabriela and Terrence kissed her forehead at the same time.

"So what do you want for breakfast?"Gabby asked the little girl.

"Pancakes!" Sophie screamed, Gabby and Terrence chuckled.

They exited Sophie's room to have breakfast after which Gabby helped Sophie take a shower and dressed her up.

Sophie's party was to take place in the garden at the back of their house and the people Terrence hired had arrived early this morning to start the decorations. Debbie volunteered to take care of the food and Nikki volunteered to take care of snacks and dessert. Leaving Gabby with the cake and making Sophie look beautiful for the party. They had done that on purpose to relieve Gabby from stress.

As soon as it was noon, Debbie arrived with the food alongside her husband and her twins Peyton and Finley who were already dressed for the party. Peyton as Princess Amber and Finley as Prince James.

"Thanks so much, Debbie," Gabby said as she assisted Debbie in organizing the serving area where the food is to be placed.

"You have nothing to thank me for, honey" Debbie assured and they were both interrupted by Sophie who was already in her Princess Sophia's costume.

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