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"Come on Sophie, we are going to be late." Terrence reminded as he walked out of his room into Sophie's room and found his little girl on her bed with a sad face.

"What's wrong, darling. Don't you want to go to Gabby's place anymore?" Terrence asked softly as he sat on her bed and placed Sophie on his lap.

This is very strange as Sophie was the one who was over the moon yesterday when Terrence informed her that they would be going over to Gabby's place for dinner tonight.

"I'm not happy, Daddy. This shoe doesn't fit me anymore." Sophie said sadly as she looked down at the shoe.

Terrence took a glance at the shoe and saw that it was her favorite pair of shoes. It couldn't fit her anymore because she had outgrown it.

"Don't be sad my love; I will get you another one," Terrence said.

"But I love this shoe" Sophie whispered, not taking her eyes off the beauty.

"I know, sweetheart but it no longer fits you. You can't wear this shoe forever you know." Terrence reasoned.

"Princess, take this as a good sign. You are growing; you will be five years old in a few weeks." He said which got her attention.

"Another Birthday for me?" Sophie asked with excitement as her eyes lit up immediately.

"Yes, dear." Her father replied.

"Will there be a party, Daddy." She asked.

"It depends. Do you want a party?" Terrence asked.

"Yes, Daddy. please, I want a party. I want my friends to come to celebrate with me. Please, Daddy." She pleaded.

"hmmmmmm....let me think," Terrence said as he put a finger on his chin, pretending to be thinking about the party.

"Please daddy.....please," Sophie said, giving him her puppy dog face.

"Okay, Sophie. you win. There will be a party for you." Terrence declared.

"Yayyyy," Sophie screamed as she jumped off her Daddy's lap. "Thank you, Daddy. I love you." She said as she hugged him.

"Love you too." He replied as he kissed her right cheek.

"Now let's look for another shoe for you," Terrence said as they walked towards her closet where her shoes were neatly arranged and Sophie finally settled for her purple sandals which matched her dress.

"I will give the shoe to aunt Michelle when next she comes to take it to my other friends," Sophie said, referring to the favorite shoe that could not size her anymore. And by her other friends, she meant the less privileged. Terrence made her understand that instead of throwing stuff that she does not need away, she could give them to kids like her who do not have it. There was an orphanage home not that far from their house. Terrence buys stuff for the kids there and visits them every month and if he is not chanced to, he sends Michelle to do so, and sometimes, Sophie accompanies her.

"That's my girl," Terrence said as he gave her a high five which erupted a giggle from Sophie.

"Okay honey, let's get going so we won't be late," Terrence said as he took Sophia's hand in his. They walked out of the house with Sophia holding a craft she made at school, insisting she wanted to show Gabby.


"Heyyy." Gabby welcomed with a wide smile as she opened the door. She saw a handsome Terrence and an adorable Sophie. She gave Terrence a hug and then gave him a quick kiss on his lips which erupted a giggle from Sophie.

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