Chapter One

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Alexander's POV


Don't you find it funny how one can be surrounded by hundreds, buts stills feels lonely?

That empty feeling in you're chest reminding you that your bound to live your life alone. Its great isn't it.

People think money solves everything, but in my opinion it make you feel worse. A big house with no-one to live with. Fast sports cars, but nowhere to drive to. All the extra money and no-one to spend it on.

Work, sex and alcohol help as a distraction, but at the end of the day you still have to go back to the empty place you call home.

I let out a tired sigh before focusing my attention back to the laptop screen.

"Is everything alright Alpha?" My second in command asks.

"Im fine Blake. Im just not in the mood to deal with this shit" I spit out coldly.

I have been traveling for the past couple of hours to the Bluemoon pack. They have been having some problems with rogues and are asking for my help. My respect for Alpha James is the reason why we have an alliance. Unfortunately he choses now to use it.

It take me a lot to trust people, which is why I have very little alliances. If I do end up needing something most Alphas would say yes out of fear of wha would happened if the declined.

I am the most feared Alpha for a reason.

Ive spent over 200 years keeping it that way and I am in no mood to change it.

Thats right. Ive been alive for about roughly 240 years and still haven't found my mate. Im starting to think its part of the curse.

That thought cause a growled to rip through head.

"No, Hunter's mate. Mine." Hunter growls out.

My poor wolf still has hope.

"If we do have a mate. Why haven't we met her?" I snap back. Hunter growls and cuts of our connection.

I spend the rest of the ride on my laptop answering emails and pack stuff.

But when Hunter start acting funny I have to put it away due to the fact that I can't concentrate when he's pacing. Ive asked him whats wrong, only to be greeted with a snarl. Stupid mutt.

I rest my elbows on my knees and rub my temples trying to stop the headache Hunter was causing.

He must just need a run after all the traveling.

As we approach the boarder of the Bluemoon territory I make a call to Alpha James, warning him of our arrival. Not long after we are greeted by a group of wolves, that run along side our car.

unfortunately this aggravates my wolf even more. Almost making it impossible to control him.

My Beta shoots me an uneasy look knowing all to well whats happening. He luckily keeps his thoughts to himself.

I close my eyes and concentrate hard enough to push him back until we can shift. Gaining full control I open my eyes just as the car comes to a stop outsides the Alpha house.

Lets get this fucking shit over and done with.

"Welcome, Alpha Xander, Beta Blake" Jackson greets me as I step out of the car.

I ignore him letting him talk to Blake while I tell my driver Arthur that he can leave and I would mind link him if he is needed.

Sighing I turn to the Alpha, narrowing my gaze at him. My annoyance only growing when I notice his mate standing next to him. Lucky bastard.

"Alpha Jackson, Luna Abigail" I formerly greet them, giving Jackson a respectful nod. His mate give me a timid smile in return.

I don't like her. She's to cheery. I wouldn't put it past her if shows a cheerleader in high school.

I see her start to shift uncomfortably under my gaze. I internally smile.

"Did you have safe travels?" The Alpha noticing his mates discomfort breaks the silence.

"Yes" Unfortunately I didn't get run over by a car, I silently add.

"Hows the pup" I ask in my cold tone.

Abigail's smile noticeably brightens at the mention of her son. Oh shit.

"Oh Christian is wonderful, he is nearly one..." I block out whatever shit she is spewing about her pup and concentrate on my wolf. He has stared to whine and scratch and my mind, trying to get my attention. As soon as he has it he starts pacing, growing, whining and snarling.

"Hunter? Whats wrong?" I try and get through to him. My talking only makes his growing increase.

"Either you tell me or shut the fuck up! You're giving me a headache" I snarl at him. He ignores me and continues.

A high pitched cry breaks me out of my thoughts, making me rub my temples in pain. Fuck my sensitive hearing.

"Speak of the devil" The cheerful Luna laughs before stepping into the house to see to her child. My Beta following her into the house.

I turn my attention back to the Alpha to see him staring lovely at his mate back.

I clear my throat snapping him out of his trance.

He gives me a smile "Xander why don't you stay in the Alpha house with us? We have spare bedrooms" He asks already knowing the answer.

"No I have already booked a hotel room" I immediately decline. There is not fucking why that I am staying in the same house as his over happy mate and annoying child.

Just as he opens his mouth to say something, the front door opens revealing Luna Abigail and a pup. The new member only increases Hunters aggravations.

"Im going for a run" I state. Before anyone can say anything I sprint towards the forest.


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