Chapter Two

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Hunter ^


Alexander's POV

I immediately start taking of my clothes as I enter the forest. I hide my shoes, socks and shirt under a near by tree and start shifting into my midnight black wolf.

I let Hunter take most of control and he stretches his stiff limbs. He then picks up the rest of our clothing in his mouth before sprinting through the forest.

He zips through buses, dodges trees and jumps over logs. Luckily he has significantly calmed down but is still slightly agitated.

After about 30 minutes of constant running he set down the clothes before slapping up some water at a small stream and takes of not long after.

I let him take full control even though I'm still slightly caution being in somebody else territory.

I spot a near by rabbit that we can snack on, but strangely Hunter complete ignores it and continues running.

Sensing my confusion he lets out a growl and pushes himself to run after.

It doesn't take long before I realise we are heading towards the Bluemoons territory town. I try to take control over him but he pushes me away.

I start to feel weary of Hunters actions. Hoping he doesn't do something stupid that would break the alliance.

Its a good thing that this town is only werewolf and not filled with humans. Imagine the head line "Overgrown mutt terrorises the town"

He starts slowing down as we near the edge of the forest.

Hunter then trots along the forest line sniffing something out.

"Alpha, are you near town?" My betas voice suddenly appears in my head. I got hear the panic and confusion in his voice. Im probably scaring a lot of people. I have a feeling when they find out who it is the fear will probably grow.

"Yes" was my cold response.

"Alpha Jackson want you to come back so he can ease the pack" I mentally snarl at my Beta ignore the nervousness and hesitantly in his voice.

I growl one last time at him before shutting him out.

I try to take back control but Hunter wasn't having it.

"Hunter where are we going?" I all but growl out at my wolf.

"Smell" Was his clipped reply. I think about ignoring him but curiosity gets the best of me and I take a deep breath of the air. I smell lots of things but there is one smell that stands out the most. Vanilla and oranges. Fuck, that smells delicious.

I want to find it.

No. I need to find it.

Just as I was about to sprint in the direction of the addicting smell, my mouth starts vibrating.

What the actual fuck?

Oh. its my phone.

I walk behind a tree, shift and get changedd.

"What?!?!" I yell into the phone. I didn't check who the caller ID was I just wanted them to go fuck themselves for interrupting me and my quest to find the smell.

"H-hello" Alpha Jackson nervously stutters. The sound of his crying pup only adds to my annoyance making uncontrollable growls ripe trough my throat.

"Yes?" I spit out through clench teeth. Cant he see that I'm busy? Fucking prick.

"Could you come back so I could announce to the pack of your presence?" The Alpha says more confidently.

"Are you ordering me?" I physically can't stop the growls anymore. The thought of somebody ordering me of all people make my body start to shake out of anger.

"No. I just want to ease the pack that you are not rouge" No, I'm something far worse.

"Im busy" I state suddenly remember the delicious smell. Taking a deep breath in of Vanilla and oranges makes the uncontrollable growls turn into low rumbles.

"When are you free then?" His voice seems to have an edge to it which I ignore.

"Tomorrow" was all I said before hanging up.

Time to find that smell.


I see a Book,

I see a Coffee,

I see a Good day ahead.

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