3. Disgusting Truth

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I jolt awake to the sound of John screaming in my ear..

"WHAT IS THIS?!" He held a bright box in front of my face, it was my phone.. it was the messages of Zander and I.. I slammed my eyes shut as his fist slammed against my cheek..

"well guess what cunt?! I was cheating too! She sucks me better than you!" He laughed viciously, "get out of my house and take your whore shit with you!" He threw my folded clothes at me along with my phone.. I cried silently after he walked out and slammed the door..

I sat there for a few minutes, grabbing my phone and calling Zander.

"Hello?" He answered quickly.

"Zander please get here quick!! P-please!" I sobbed into the phone. I gave him my address and I heard his keys jingling in the phone, indicating he was on his way. "I'll be right there.." he whispered and hung up.. I quickly packed my stuff in my suitcase.. I didn't have much due to John burning it or throwing it away.. I quickly went outside and waited, luckily John was already gone..

Not even ten minutes later, Zander pulled up in a Black H3 Hummer and quickly hopped out, running to me and pulled me into a hug, "What happened.." he kissed my head and looked at my pale face, my cheek puffing up to where I could see it out of my peripheral vision, it began to bruise bad.. "I-it happened all t-too fast.." I shook my head and sobbed again as he pulled me into his neck, stroking my hair and rubbing my back..

"Nita.. I promise he will never hurt you again.. I'm taking you somewhere far, I promise to never let him hurt you again.." he gripped me and kissed my head. He then helped me up from the wet grass and grabbed my suitcase, quickly putting it in the backseat and walking back to me, taking my hand and leading me to the passenger where he opened my door and led me in. "Thank you.." I nod and sniffle as I slowly buckle my seatbelt.

"No need for that." His voice was firm and we locked eyes for a long four seconds before he shut my door and walked to the driver side and getting in.

He said he was taking me somewhere far away.. again I still barley knew him.. but I'd do anything to get away from John.. this could be my chance at a happy life, so I'm taking it.

Zander started the hummer and quickly drove off, gripping the wheel tightly and his eyes seemed lost in thought.

"Zander." I broke the silence.

"Hm." His breathing got heavier and his grip on the wheel tightened. "Are you okay." I asked, staring at his white knuckles and hard face. "I should be asking you the same." He looked down at me, our eyes locking again.. his hazel green, blue, and gold eyes bore down into mine.

A loud honk interrupted our goo goo eye moment and Zander quickly swerved back into our lane after screaming at a car heading our way, "Shit!"

I laughed once we got back to our land and pointed at him. "Hey! We could've died!" He huffed and shook his head. "Yeah, but we didn't. And your face was hilarious." I chuckled a little more and looked out my window to see the misty forest passing by quickly. Zander reached his right hand over and stroked my hair, making me look at him and tilt my head towards his touch. "Eyes on the road." I wink playfully and look at where I directed him to. "Nita." He said my name and placed his hand back on the steering wheel, "you're beautiful. And I'm sorry whatever happened.. but I can't help you if you don't tell me." I looked down and twiddled my thumbs nervously, "h-he found our texts.. and told me he also cheated on me.. then told me to leave and take my whore shit with me.." tears filled my eyes at the thought of what happened in the passed thirty minutes and my cheek began to throb again, making me wince and reach to touch it. But before I could, Zander reached out and gently took my small write in his large warm calloused hand, "don't touch it, it'll make it worse." He looked down at me and raised a brow, I followed his steps and shrugged.

"Since when're you all Mr. Doctor?" I cross my arms and face him. He shrugged and smirked a little and looked at the clock in the car. Time flew by already.. the sun was already setting and I began getting tired as I yawned every five minutes.

"Sleep Nita. It's gonna be a while before we get to our destination." He nodded and stroked my hair again, making me rest my head on the hummer window. Soon later, I found myself dozing off peacefully to Zander stroking my hair and rubbing my cheek with his thumb, then making me fall into a deep sleep.


A few hours later, I wake to Zander saying my name again and light peering through my lids. We were stopped in front of a convenience store.. "do you need to pee? I'm gonna get food and drinks then we'll be on our way." He shot me a kind smile. I nodded and gave him a smile back. "Thank you." I began to open my door, only for it to get slammed by Zander after running and getting to my side. "The hell dude?" He opened it and held his hand out for me to take it, "A lady is never supposed to open her own door." He nodded as I took his hand and blushed, walking into the store, hand in hand but I soon departed when I had to use the bathroom.

I finished my business, washed my hands and walked out only to be greeted by Zander holding large three bags, I took one and he shook his head and took it back, "no." I huffed and crossed my arms, "Zander stop, I can do what I want." I snatched the bag back and walked away, outside and back into the hummer after letting myself back in. He followed and got back in on his side. "I'm sorry, just trying to be a gentleman." He sighed and started the car. "Well you're being too much of one." I opened the bag to a large plastic box of nachos. "I got those for you, if you want." He smiles wide at me.

"Nachos are my favorite!" I laughed and quickly dug in after taking the lid off, he did the same with his and began to drive back into the star filled night.

"The sky is beautiful tonight." I say, after finishing my food and water. "We can star gaze." He smiles at me and pulled over onto the dirt side of the road next to the wooded area and got out. "Okay?" I whisper to myself before getting out and following him to the back of the hummer. It had a small metal ladder on the back, he climbed up and I followed him, we laid down next to each other and smiled up to the sky.

"Look, there's the Big Dipper." He pointed to the black, blue, and purple sky and to the clear Big Dipper constellation. I nodded and chuckled. I then felt his gaze on my face and he wrapped me in his arms, "pulling me close and looking to the sky again with a wide smile as I let him. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes, focusing on his heartbeat. I began to doze off but jolted awake and looked at him as he began to fall asleep as well. "Zander we need to find a place to sleep." I groaned and climbed down the ladder, Zander following me and yawning, "let's just sleep in the hummer, I have a blanket in there." He popped the trunk and pulled out a large fluffy black blanket. "Why do you have that in your car?" I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"I go camping in the woods sometimes and I sleep in the hummer. Why? Think I bang girls on it?" He laughed loudly but stopped and looked down once he saw how serious my face was. "W-welp uh.. heh." He scratched the back of his neck and opened the back door, climbing in and laying the seats back to make a bed!

"Woah. I didn't know hummers could do that." I chuckled and shook my head and followed him in. "They can't, I had to rebuild the back interior." He sighed and laid the blanket out, I climbed under it and clashed my body with his on accident. "I-I'm sorry." He shook his head and caressed my cheek, "don't be.. it's cold tonight, you need warmth." Zander gazed down at me still, his warm hand still on my cheek and my eyes still locked with his. "Zander.." I whisper before closing my eyes and inching my lips close to his, I could feel his warm breath fly against my skin, sending shivers down my spine and into my core. Before I knew it, he had both hands caressing my cheeks and our lips locked, it seemed as though they fit perfectly together. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine as I gently gripped his wrists. "Nita.." he kissed me again, a little more passionately this time, his tongue raked against my lower lip and my lower lip became trapped between his teeth, dragging it slowly and kissing me again, this time sliding his tongue into my mouth and exploring me and I did the same to him.

Our breathing picked up and our position averted to where I was on him, my core on his groin and our lips never leaving each other's as our hands tangled in each other's hair. "W-we need sleep." I pulled away breathlessly and pressed my forehead against his again. He nodded and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me down on him and pulling the blanket over us, both of us soon later dozing off into a heated slumber.

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