6. Down South

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After months of a happy relationship with Zander, we had escalated into more, doing more of couple things, nothing sexual. But life was finally good again, all of my bruises and cuts went away, pervs were removed from work, and I was on my way back on track.

I was sitting on the couch, curled up with my fuzzy faux fur blanket, flicking through the boring channels on TV. Zander got called into work again, it seemed as though he is a lot more busy than he used to be.. Getting called in at least three times a week when its his days off. Its starting to get really bad and lonely, spending the nights alone in bed and my days watching TV when I get off of work. Just as he came into my mind, I hear keys rattling at the door and the door swinging open.

"Nita." He called my name, making me jump and run over to him, the blanket wrapped around my shoulders. "We.. Need to talk." His voice went lower and my heart dropped. Normally, the saying, 'we need to talk' isn't such a good thing to hear when in a relationship.. "Y-yeah" I lagged a little, thinking of all of the things that could go wrong. My head felt cloudy and I felt dizzy, beads of sweat began to run down my face. "Are you feeling okay Nita? You're a little pale.."

"Just go on with what you have to say Zan.." He shook his head, mid sentence, "no, not until you feel better." I felt worse at that.. That means it has to be harsh, for me to feel better for him to tell me.. "Go lay down Nita, get to feeling better." He led me to the room to make sure I was okay, good sign.. As I laid on the bed, the feeling began to overwhelm me again, causing my sight and hearing to slowly fade away, making me slip into my episode of Tacacardia. I couldn't even notice my heart going as fast as it was, it was like a rabbits heart on steroids..

A few minutes later, about 10 or so, I began to awake from the black out, breathing heavily and moving around quickly to feel my surroundings, my head was below my knees and I felt strong arms around my waist and my breathing slowed as I knew it was him. "W-what happened?" I winced and felt my head as he slowly lifted me up and laid me back down. "You looked really Ill after I told you we needed to talk. I don't know what happened." I gasped a little. "Tacacardia." I sigh and shake my head, rubbing my head in frustration. "I haven't had an episode in a while. It's a heart condition. I.. I thought you were going to break up with me.. Which caused my heart to palpitate and make me faint."

I saw a little bit of hurt in his eyes..

"Why would you think I was going to break up with you?" He crossed his arms and looked to the floor. "I-i don't know.. I just.. When someone says 'we need to talk' to their girlfriend, it doesn't sound right.. Normally those words lead to break up.. I'm sorry.." I closed my eyes and I felt the bed dip beside me and a warm index finger lift my head from my chin.

"I will never, ever, leave you Nita." his hands cupped my cheeks and he leaned in slowly, his warm, soft lips locking with mine, in a passionate slow kiss. So, I guess he isn't breaking up with me. I smiled into the kiss and he placed his hand on my right breast. I shook my head and placed my hand on his. "No. Im not ready, im sorry." he nodded understandingly and pecked my lips twice before standing. "Now what did you have to talk to me about?" I crossed my arms and sat back. A sigh escaped his lips and he paced back and forth across our redwood room. "We have to go on vacation for a while. Vacation may sound good, but.. Its a dangerous one. We have to leave town by tomorrow afternoon. Some things popped up at work and I am being forced to leave and relocate." my eyebrows furrowed, what could be so bad that we are being forced to relocate? It confused me more than it angered me. "Relocate as in? We would have to mo-" he cut me short of my last word. "Move.. Yes.." he nodded and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and still pacing back and forth.

"Stop pacing, making me nervous.. Moving where? Out of town?" I moved back on the bed and covered up in our white plushy blanket.

"State, Nita." He stopped moving back and forth across the room and stared me dead in the eye, then sitting at the foot of the bed. "We have to leave the state.. And move to Washington.. a little town there called Olympia. We will be there by tomorrow night, we will take a plane that will get us there in time." He nodded and sighed. I looked around and stood, a little too fast for my brain. "Slow down.." he quickly jolted up and wrapped his arms around me, making sure I was steady enough.

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