Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"You aren't worth it."

The way he had said those words haunted me, even at nearly a week after.

I tried to tell myself that it didn't matter. After all I wanted him to let me go, I wanted him to forget me. But for some reason those simple words still affected me.

It was plain and simple.

I couldn't forget him.

I couldn't help but remember his breath on my skin, his lips on my lips, and the way his body fit perfectly against mine. It was like I was a puzzle and he was the missing piece. The only thing that could complete me. Without him I was incomplete.

I decided to call it momentary insanity and determined to move forward with my life.
And so, here I was a week later. Trying to go on with my life. I got up, did my hair and makeup, and went to work. Made it through my day, followed the usual routine, and then repeat.

Before I knew it the weekend was upon me and I was determined to do absolutely nothing this weekend. It was going to be just me and my bottle of Jack. Ole' Jack had never let me down. I'd trust him with my life.

So Friday night I ordered myself a pizza: stuffed crust cheese with double cheese. That done, I turned on the least romantic movie I had, aka as much gore as possible. That ended up being 300. That one had gore and sexy male bodies. It was like a two for one, all the better.

The gore was just getting started and I had downed two glasses of whiskey when I heard a knock at the door announcing that the pizza has arrived. I bounded to my feet and headed to grab my food.

Once I was back on my couch I started the movie back. I devoured half of the pizza while I knocked back a third glass.

I swear this movie is the best. Gore, intense fighting scenes, and the best part is the war-hardened male bodies. I wouldn't be able to tell anyone how many times I had watched it, I had no way of knowing. I'd watched it that many times and I wasn't ashamed to admit it. The men's abs were very nice. River had abs like that... they were very defined, they almost seemed to be painted on. I would have thought so. Except I knew for a fact that they were real. Just one touch and I had confirmed that fact.

Dammit. Now I was thinking about him. The unnamed person I was supposed to be forgetting. Trying not to let my brain began to dwell on him and how good he was I downed the rest of my drink and immediately poured another glass. Deciding that this movie might not be the best one to watch at this point and time, I relocated my one woman drinking party to said woman's bedroom.

The last thing I remember before passing out was my stupid brain wishing that he was with me.
A banging jarred me from my sleep. Attempting to ignore it and the consequential banging that it caused in my temples, I rolled over to my stomach, burying my head underneath the pillow hoping that both sources of the pounding would stop.
Sadly, my hopes were dashed, apparently not meant to be.

The banging (which by now I had managed to make out was from the door) didn't stop. In fact, it only became more aggressive the longer i laid there waiting for it to stop.

Groaning, I sluggishly sat up my hands going to my head in an attempt to smother the throbbing in my temples. Whoever was at my door was going to die. I didn't care how long my sentence would be, if I got caught.

"God is this necessary?"

I rolled myself out of bed and stumbles my way down the hall to the front door.
"Humans. What good are they?" I was mumbling under my breath. Absolutely fed up.
It just wasn't right to wake someone up like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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