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"King Vegeta, I beg of you! Please let my son live! He could become a great asset to you, my lord, to you and your son!"

A dark skinned man pleaded on his knees, his long hair hanging over is face. This was Aikon's father,Okura, or more commonly know among the Saiyajins as Shurui.

 This was Aikon's father,Okura, or more commonly know among the Saiyajins as Shurui

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(not my art)
King Vegeta stood up from his throne and began walking to Okura.

"That is what I fear, Shurui. I fear that your son will attempt to overtrow me, the king, and my son. You have one last chance, give me one reason and/or possibility that I should let your son live?"

Okura racked his brain, desperate for a solution.

"I -uh . . . Would you kill your child's best rival?"

King Vegeta looked down and was about to refute before Okura kept speaking.

"That came out wrong. If Aikon was to be left alive, Prince Vegeta would have a suitable training partner. Someone around his age that, in his eyes, is a goal to beat. The two would eventually grow some type of bond with one another. Please, my lord, consider this."

King Vegeta ended up sparing the infant, and this . . . is his story.

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