The New Nightmare

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*I'm writing in plain text so that there will be less confusion in my dialogues. Thanks for the input to all my fans.


     Hannah went to college and a year and a half later, dropped out. She had to move out soon and had nowhere to turn. She felt trapped. She did not want to face defeat and go back to her parent's home and continue to be a victim. Her step-father already pushed his limit last year around Easter, when he asked her if they could go "all the way". She finally said "NO!" to his abuse and swore never to go back. She got a job at another newspaper and worked her way to the classified ads. She would take phone calls and print out coustomers' ads. It was hectic, but she wanted to be a reporter in a few months. She was going to Paradise Bible College and her studied journalism and Bible. She had acted out in college and got kicked out for drinking on the property. She still got to keep her job, which was fortunate for her living situation.

     She moved up the ladder at the paper rather quickly. Her boss, Denise Baker, the Chief Editor, had gone through the same situation as a child, and when Hannah had a melt-down at work one day, she confided in Denise, and Denise shared her story of abuse. Denise told her, she would have a job as long as she got help, and referred her to a counsellor. Stacey Winston was the counsellor and her and Denise went to college together. They were best friends. Hannah had many problems while going through the counselling sessions, but Stacey and Denise helped her tremendously. Hannah got herself an apartment with a person she had never met before, from the classifieds. Her name was Dana Camillo. She was a little bit of a Goth before Goth was popular. She carried a gun with her everywhere. Dana worked for a security angency and was one who not many messed with. Dana seemed to have an unhealthy attraction to Hannah. Hannah wasn't sure if it was just a platonic attraction or something more. In any case, Hannah watched Dana like a hawk.

     It was the fall of 1984 and she had been living with Dana for about three months. Hannah met a new employee at her job at The Chronicle, the paper she worked for. He was charming and very smart and witty. They enjoyed handball and when they played, she'd always beat him. His name was Davis Taylor, a young reporter from the East Coast. He had moved there in the summer and started this job at the paper as a columnist. His column was "Who Is God?" He was contriversal and the paper liked that. Denise, who was not only the Chief Editor, but the owner, was a Christian and she also loved to push the limits of her readers. Davis was a copywriter in New York and Dana offered him a columnist job, which he put on his resume that he was interested in and had previous experience in high school. He had a column called "What Do You Think?" in his high school paper. "What Do You Think?" was a column where he asked questions and students would reply and it would be printed the next issue. When both Hannah and Davis met, it was love at first sight...well, after he initially embarrassed her at work. He noticed a spot on her blouse, wher her breast was and proceeded to try and get it out in front of the workers. Later, on their first date, they laughed until they cried about that incident. They wouldn't talk to each other for two weeks after the spot incident, then one day he asked her to go for lunch. She asked before giving him an answer, "Are you going to keep your hands off my breasts?" They both busted up and she said yes to lunch.

     Time went on and her living conditions worsen with Dana. Dana had brought over several suspicious friends and they went into her room secretively. Hannah was sure if they were dealing drugs, using drugs or what. But she wanted out. She had some money saved for a small studio apartment close by, but not enough. One night, Dana was obviously high on some kind of drug and came into Hannah's room with her gun and threatened Hannah. Hannah ran out with just the clothes on her back and drove off in her car. She spent three days in her car before Davis found out. He found her at the gas station down the street from his apartment and asked her what was wrong. "I have nowhere to go, and I have just lost everything!", she sobbed against his chest. He hugged her tight and told her she could stay with him until she saved enough money to get out on her own. She declined. "I can't Davis. I can't put myself in that position," she insisted. "What's the harm? I have three bedrooms. One for me, one for Leo, and one for you." Leo was his roommate. He worked at the local Community Theater as a stage manager. He just graduated from Juliard School of Drama last year and moved with Davis. Davis did some ametuer acting in New York City and the two met. Hannah agreed to stay for awhile. She got payed in five days and might have enough for that studio apartment by then.

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