The Road Through Hell

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     She felt sick to her stomach at the thought of what to do. She didn't know for sure if Davis did anything. All she knew was that the judge ruled in favor of that woman. The one that almost ruined their lives. What would she do if she did leave Davis? Raising a child alone scared her. Davis' Aunt and Uncle were hard to get along with and she felt trapped both inwardly and outwardly. What was she going to do? Davis' Aunt Betty and Uncle Grant were not too pleased with the situation and no one got along. They never had kids and didn't like kids all that well, but they felt that was the only thing to do. They weren't very pleasant people, but they always did the right thing.

     Stuart was growing and Aunt Betty was loving him being around. Aunt Betty was working as a sales representative for a small business called Financial Securities, it was a loan company. Uncle Grant was the CEO of his company called Your Money, Inc., an accounting company for big corporations. Aunt Betty worked the hours she wanted, so she had time to be with Stuart. Stuart was now 6 months old and Uncle Grant was even taking a liking to Stuart. That baby melted their hard hearts.

     Hannah got a job and while all four adults worked, Hannah took Stuart to a family friend. Her name was Cassandra Henderson. She was about the aunt and uncle's age and had three kids of her own that were grown. She opened a day care after her husband died suddenly of a heart attack at the age of 40. Davis always called her Mama Cassie. Her kids, Jessica, 24, Ben, 22 and Greg, 20 all helped their mother Cassie. She loved Stuart as if he was her own grandson. She was always there for Davis, when he was growing up and she was always there for his new family.

     Hannah started to get real sick when Stuart was nineteen months old. Davis and Hannah were still together, but Hannah still didn't trust him. They had moved to an apartment in another city about ten miles away from Aunt Betty and Uncle Grant. Hannah had met a woman with three kids. Her name was Selia Kennington. Her kids were Kelli, 11, Jared, 4, and Casey, 2. She had her own card business and Hannah and Selia shared babysitting with each other. Selia had an ex-husband who was abusive and she always had problems with him. She even had restraining orders against him that never was held up. Hannah enjoyed her and they even went to the same church. It was a small church called Faith Community Church. The Pastor, Peter Jensen was young and inspirational to both Hannah and Selia. They both enjoyed taking their children and spending Sundays worshipping there. Davis kind of back-slid during their trials and never went. He always said he had other responsibilities. It was so hard on Hannah.

     She felt dizzy and faint and she didn't know what it was. It was pretty scary for her family. She was visiting Selia and she passed out. She was rushed to the hospital quickly. Selia watched Stuart and Davis was at Hannah's side. The doctors scrambled to run tests and Davis waited by her side each hour that passed.  All the family was there with them when the doctor came in one afternoon with an ashen look on his face.  They were all alarmed at his grave look.  Dr. Roberto Riccoli was the neurologist on duty.  He was about ten years older than Hannah.  He had dark hair and eyes and a dark complexion.  He didn't have a very good bedside manner at all either.  Davis spoke up first.

     "Do you know what is going on doctor?"  Davis asked.  The doctor cleared his throat a couple of times, trying to delay the answer.  "I'm not sure how to tell you this...", the doctor began to speak.  "We did the MRI and it showed a mass deep in the brain...", he continued.  "There is no way to operate without causing death", the doctor explained.  Hannah swallowed hard and Davis choked back tears.  "What does that mean?", Hannah inquired.   "There is no way of knowing what will happen.  You may not have that long."  They were are devastated and scared.  Would she really die, leaving a baby and a husband and the rest of her family?  Nothing made sense at that point.

     A nurse came in that day to comfort Hannah.  Her name was Adelia.  She shared Psalm 27:14 with Hannah.  "Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord."  Hannah was afraid, but was comforted by Adelia's words.  She read the Bible she had brought to the hospital and waited.  The doctor came in the next morning and gave her a stunning revelation.  "I looked at the MRI again and it's not a mass.  You will be fine.  I'm not sure what's going on with you, but we'll keep you here a few more days to watch you."  Everyone there rejoiced and was very thankful for those words.  Hannah knew it was God.  

     The doctor later told her that she would in time, be paralyzed and no one could do anything.  That was not what she wanted to here, but at least she was alive.  Throughout her recovery from the hospital visit, she was still having problems and the neurologist could not figure Hannah out, so he told her it was all mental.  That was more devastating than death!  Doubt crept up in everyone's mind.  "Now what?", Hannah thought.  "There is something wrong but no one will believe me."  The illness and the thoughts of the past crept into Hannah's mind for the next couple of years.  Davis' job took them elsewhere.  It took them away from all family.  Stuart was almost 2 and they took what they had and left.

     Hannah loved to travel but hated moving.  She had moved all through her childhood and had moved too many times already in her married life, but, they needed the change.  Davis and Hannah talked one night, before the move, about what happened to her as a child, and Davis' column was taking him across the country again, the perfect opportunity to get away from Hannah's past.  The past would obviously follow her, but Davis thought if they got completely away from the situation, Hannah would be at ease.  They said their goodbyes to their families and didn't look back.

     They moved over a thousand miles away and everything was going well.  The trust in Davis was coming back to Hannah, but with caution.  The house they rented was perfect.  Nothing could go wrong.  His job took off.  He was one of the best columnist in the state.  They found a church to go to and that thrilled Hannah because Davis was going.  He even picked out the church.  They both made friends right away and life was good.  It looked as though Hannah's life would change for the best.  Davis' job kept him away from home with long hours, but they were making enough to pay all the debts and bills.  It was "too good to be true" as they say.

     One thing the doctors told Hannah before they moved was that maybe the birth control pills were making her sick, so she stopped taking them three months before their move.  This would mean that they may have another baby soon.  Hannah felt like she was getting the flu or something and made an appointment with her doctor.  Things were going well until one night after Davis got home from work.  Davis came home devastated.  Someone else took over his column and Davis no longer had a job.  They were both devastated.  Not only did they move away from family, but they were far away from home again and there was only one income at the time and now that was gone.  Hannah and Davis was beside themselves.  The next day Hannah went to her doctor and found out something that would change their lives.  She was pregnant again.  She was afraid because Davis or her had no jobs.  She didn't know how they would support Stuart and now they had to support two children.  When Davis heard they news, he didn't know what to think, but they would do their best to go on and he tried hard to go and find a job.  The road through hell was already long, but even with the joyous news of another child, the road through hell was only beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2012 ⏰

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