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*knock* *knock*

"Y/n get up! Its the last day of school!" I hear Miku's voice yell and I shot up "last day!?" I say surprised and excited. I quickly grab my clothes and run to the bathroom to shower. "Hey!" I hear Miku say "ill be quick!" I say closing the door.

~minute later~

I had changed into something comfortable since its the last day of course! "Ok come in!" I say and the door opens "you should let me style your hair today, please!!" Miku begs "um.. I guess?" I say and she squeals ready having a brush in her hand.

"I'm going to make your hair really pretty!" She says "if you ruin my hair ill ruin something you love" I say and she brushes through my hair.

~lil time skip~

"Done!" She says and I look up at the mirror "oh wow..." I say looking at it. She had put my hair into a half ponytail and curled it. All of it. "Now let me put make up on you!" She says "no, fixing my hair was enough" I say and she just shrugs "I tried" she says and does what she needs to do before we leave.

"Gonna make some toast, and eat it because I'm hungry~" I sing as I make toast. As I wait for that I out my socks on and tie my shoe laces. I heard them pop up and I took it.

(If you put something on it then yea but I dunno)

As I was nibbling on it, Miku came into the kitchen all dressed nice "oh Miku gonna get some today!" I yell "shut up! You pervert!" She yells with a smile. "We better go" she says grabbing her bag. "Ok fine, but do we really need or bags?" I ask "I have a locker to clean out so I might as well take it" she says.

I just shrug and take mine as well and walk out the door with her. She picks the door and we walk to school.


We walk into school just as the halls were crazy "I'm not sure if ill miss the place or not" I say and we walk to the hall where out lockers are. I enter the code into my locker and it opens "I cant believe ill get a new locker to struggle with" I say stuffing my bag in.

"La-La-Locker Neighbor!" The high pitched voice says "hi Rin" I say looking at my locker "hi Y/n! So how happy are you!" She says "pretty happy, hey do you know if we need to bring anything?" I ask her "like a pencil and a notebook, since its the last day we aren't going to learn anything new" she says.

"Ok then" I say and take a pencil with my note book with random scribbles in it. I walked to Homeroom since there is nothing to do but go to class I guess. I walk in to see students crowding the teacher "sign my yearbook!" I hear someone yell. "Yearbooks that's what I forgot to buy" I say sitting down.

(I dunno if you have a homeroom but its just for this chapter.)

"Y/n sign my yearbook" Len says "okie" I say and he hands me his book. What should I write? I think and an idea pops into my head. I start to write as girls swarm Len. I kinda laugh to myself as I finish.

"Here you go Len" I say and he takes his yearbook and reads it "have a great summer! Don't do Milk!" He looks at me giving a confusing look "what?" I say and he just shrugs walking away. "Sign this now" a book was suddenly in my face "ok ok!" I say grabbing the book and see who shoved the book at me. "Fukase you needy bastard" I say and he smiles.

(Someone literally told me not to do milk ._.)

"Just for that I'm going to write something bad" I say and he shrugs. I think at first and just go with what my pen went with. "Eh I tried to make it bad but not sure if I did good" I say handing him his yearbook. "Oh I'm so scared" he says sarcastically and opens his book. "Your so mean" he says and walks away. All I wrote was 'Hi'... Ok then...

~time skip to lunch~

I made my way to find my table of weirdos. I say in my spot next to Rin and Miku "sign my yearbook Friend!" Rin says "ok fine" I say taking her pen and just simply writing 'have a good summer' in it. "Thanks!" She says and we make a conversation about favorite things I guess.

"What's your favorite thing about school y/n?" Len asks "The end" I say looking at him. "What's your favorite part about it Len" I say and he thinks "the women" he says pointing at me "you wish!" I say "my favorite part was lunch!" Rin says "of course it is fatty.." Len say as quiet as he could but Rin heard "I'm going to kill you!! You limp noodle!" She yells attacking him.

"Limp noodle, ha" I say watching them fight. "Guys! We can get lunch now" Miku says and we walk to the line. "Cooks choice and its healthy" I say as peaople walk away with a bunch of salad and fruits. "This sucks" Rin says. "Good thing its the last day" I say taking my tray.


~time skip to the end of the day~

"I'm free!" I yell running to the outside of school as Miku chases me. "Slow down!" She yells. "Fine." I say stopping. "Ok so Rin and Len are coming over later and they will bring a friend to" she says "a friend? Like who?" I ask and she shrugs "I dunno I just told them to not bring over some creep" she says as we walk back home.

~back at home~

"Yay! Now I can sleep all day everyday" I say as we walk in. I go to my room and set my bag down on the floor "hey Miku?" I say peaking my head out "yea?" She says "can I take my hair down?" "No someone is coming over, leave it in please!" She says and I nod.

"Might as well just go watch Tv I guess" I say going into the living room. As I watch random cartoons I listen to music with one earbud in as I scroll through my facebook or some app I use.

As I did I heard a knock at the door. "Uh y/n? Could you get that?" I hear Miku say. "Ok but if I die I'm haunting you!" I say opening the door to see the twin blondes and an extra blonde "triplets!" I yell and Miku walks up next to me "no this is our friend Oliver" Rin says "hello Oliver" Miku says and lets them in. "Well Oliver I would like you to meet Miku and Y/n!" Len says pointing at Miku then at me.

"H-hi!" Oliver says "hi" I say waving at him as he holds out a hand to me. I just stare at his hand "she don't sgake hands" Len says and Rin nods. "Oh ok.." Oliver says. Oliver has a conversation with those three as I study his features. Blonde hair that looks softer than Len's. A bandage on his left eye... Why? A beautiful Golden/Brownish eye. He's pretty much just like an adorable person surprisingly..

"Y/n?" Oliver says snapping me out of whatever trance I was in "y-yea?" I say looking at him "your.. Staring at me.. Why?" He says sounding innocent. "Oh um n-no reason!" I say waving my hand in the air feeling my face burn of embarrassment.

"Heh.." I say and he smiles. Oh god what is this small beating in my chest that makes me feel.. Feel so.. Strange? I kept playing around on my phone as I listen to Oliver's British voice speak, I swear I could listen to him speak for hou- oh god what is wrong with me...

Oliver what have you done to me...


Ok this was the first chapter of my random story I decided to write. This may be a flop but we'll see how this goes! K Bai~

~Yuki W.

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